It also immediately makes me think of the Kate Micucci episode of Cabinet of Curiosities with the Alo Glo that she slathers all over herself and it becomes like a creepy lotion monster
It also immediately makes me think of the Kate Micucci episode of Cabinet of Curiosities with the Alo Glo that she slathers all over herself and it becomes like a creepy lotion monster
It’s funny, cause the book (that the movie is based on) did actually have TWO sequels, published in 2013 and 2018.
I agree that she’s definitely not in it for power— and I’ve got my fingers crossed that it is the true long game/take out Homelander/save the world like you said.
It’s definitely something that could use addressing by a professional. The same way we have intimacy coordinators on set, because “well the actors should just be able to say if they’re uncomfortable right” isn’t enough.
The conspiracy theory (somewhat sarcastic, but I actually kind of buy it...? lol) is that the reason the bargaining was extended to July 12 -- because why the 12th specifically? It’s not the end of a week, it’s not a full two weeks from the original deadline... it feels like a random day -- is because the M:I…
I lived in Japan for a long time, and after a few years I *definitely* found myself feeling super self-conscious about even just running to the corner convenience store with no makeup/in my weekend lounge type clothes. Way pre-pandemic, that was a common reason why women might put on a mask, because then no one could…
Lol no not exactly. Writing has halted production, but shows where the scripts are done/in can continue filming as long as the writers aren’t on set/writing work isn’t being done. Granted the WGA strikers have been trying to stop some filming by picketing outside shoot locations — and in some cases succeeding, like…
At the same time though, he’s already outcast for life with zero hope of ever being let back “in” again. So when the one single person who’s been nice to him is about to be killed ... well, in for a penny in for a pound right? At least that way he gets to keep his one sole friend.
It says minimum, so I assume that’s probably meant to say that they won’t ship you something that expires in a week — that anything you get is guaranteed to be further out than that.
Dude. Seriously? I totally get having a preference for the aesthetic of hand-drawn animation, but if you’re seriously gonna sit there and argue that Clone Wars and Paw Patrol are the same, visually ... I don’t know what to say.
My cousins were the family that went to Disneyworld basically every year — I went with them twice growing up. And I remember one of those trips was not very long after they had first introduced the FastPass system. At that time, it was your park tickets and then also (if you were staying at one of the Disney hotels)…
Interesting, so that must be what they were talking about with the “due to lead time for insurance on a Hole in One Vehicle.” I had no idea that kind of contest-prize insurance was a real thing!
Right up until it happens to them, of course. 😡
Plus the hot subs are made on an actual grill, not just like, microwaved lol
Yeah I kind of rolled my eyes at that, like “but NOTHING is MORE awkward than filming an incest scene!”
Well, they do have a fairly strong history together at this point. You could argue that he knows Rhaenyra well enough to know she’s not the kind of person who would try and get him in trouble/punish him for rejecting her.
Same, basically. I also hated raw tomatoes growing up (I agree, it was I think the acidity thing for me) but no problem with cooked/sauce/flavoring/etc.
I always wonder, are we going to get “post-biotic” stuff next? *eyeroll*
Yeah and especially since it seems that Netflix has tried to make a deal with them — in the suit it says Netflix reached out to try and negotiate a license to allow B&B to perform the songs at the concerts, but they apparently refused to negotiate/purchase one and just went ahead with the concert anyway.