
Right? I’m from NC too and I know friends who have gotten flack for saying sir/ma’am when they are not in the South (go up north for college or whatever). They were raised to always say yes sir/ma’am but in other areas where it’s not common, they assume you are being sarcastic or back-talking. So if this happened

It’s not quite an equivalent role to the kind of PA you’re thinking of — translating it as Production Assistant is a bit misleading. The Japanese is just “production management,” sort of a generalized term for all of the coordinators/managers/assistants/producers. So that average is probably also including the

Anime series are typically funded by a Production Committee (Seisaku Iinkai) composed of several companies — for example, a publishing company (the one publishing the manga the anime is based on), a record studio (the OP/ED will be done by one of their artists), and the animation studio. Sometimes there might be

haha, yeah I definitely would not bother to grind the seeds down myself! But black sesame paste is pretty easy to find if you have access to an Asian grocery.

Black sesame ice cream is also really good! And many recipes are suuuuuper easy to make, basically just mix and freeze, like this one.

“Starve” =/= “starve to death”

Also, remember Filoni is not UN-involved. What he actually said is that he developed the original concept / overview of the story, and now he has final review of the show in the same way that George Lucas gave notes to him.

I mean, if you want it for the sheer novelty, then maybe. Otherwise I would recommend going somewhere for actually good ramen and not overpriced, dubious quality from a karaoke place.

Omg I LIVE on iced barley tea in the summers. Just make the cold-brew kind that you stick in the fridge and let sit for a couple hours...


Right? I mean, I guess in this one single instance it’s something where being lefty is actually more convenient! (And boy howdy are there not many of those)

Never thought about it before, but I do the same thing. When I’m just eating normally, I’m holding my fork in my dominant (left) hand so of course I cut with the knife in my right hand.

I completely agree with you there, and if a server did that I wouldn’t find it odd at all. But it’s the whole..... using said personal information to go home later and look up the person online and find out about them... part that crosses the line.

Exactly! The friending in and of itself is fine. If he mentioned his name in conversation and then later you looked him up and were able to find him based on that and sent a friend request —- I would argue still fine.

Haha, well it’s the morning shows, like the Japanese equivalent of Good Morning America or something.

Haha, I remember years ago at a family gathering, I was upstairs babysitting my cousin who was about 3 or 4 at the time. I got out all my old disney videos to pick one to watch, and no matter how much I tried to change his mind (No no, this one’s not good, let’s pick another one....) he insisted on Bambi. (He’d never

I kind of love it. The restaurant’s attitude is VERY Japanese. There’s no way in hell they would stay open later or squeeze him in by adding more seats than intended because that would affect the overall dining experience — and ensuring each customer’s experience is exactly what the chef intended is more important

Huh, the tomato paste is interesting, wouldn’t have thought there would be any of that

Also it’s so blatantly one-sided it’s not even funny. What if you’ve got a strict kosher Jewish person working at a cashier at a grocery store. Customer comes up with a couple of pork chops and the cashier says, “Sorry, I can’t ring you out. I believe eating pork is wrong. You’ll have to go to another register.”