
Zumbo’s was just delightful! Also I am in love with all of Rachel Khoo’s outfits on that show.

Alternate take— cereal milk as a concept is disgusting and all y’all sitting there sipping your milk-with-just-enough-hint-of-flavor-to-be-completely-offputting need to have your tastebuds fixed.

I always figured it was like “sim-more-een.” No idea if that’s actually “right” tho

Not sure if this is a largely accepted variation or not, but I was always told that after you’ve got the dumpling in your soup spoon, you’re supposed to pull (or bite) off the top ring and slurp out the soup inside, then eat the dumpling itself.

To be the snarky one... isn’t that kind of how an opinion works? He thinks it’s not good because, well, he doesn’t like it.

Is this like.... a regional chain? I’ve never heard of it in Tokyo.

Jesus, that’s so evil. Also the amount — $900 — is probably very strategically planned. It’s a large, but not outrageous, sum of money. Just high enough that it adds up for the scammers but low enough that desperate business owners might decide to just pay it to make the problem go away.

I mean... he’s this right? I can’t be the only one whose mind immediately went there

You would think but....


So it is based on a book! I read the name of the movie and wondered cause like... that is the most YA book title to ever book title. 


Hence why in Thailand, they actually put ice cubes in the glass along with the beer.

I used to be the same way, the few times I tried Pellegrino or Perrier or whatever kinds of sparkling water it was just ... blech.

I mean... honestly I would recommend seeing them? Esp the ones after Johnson joins because it’s literally the most batshit crazy stuff I have ever seen and is actually super entertaining?

Exactly. And they most likely never will know, cause it’s not like you can exactly set up a control group study like, “Ok group A will abstain from alcohol completely, group B will have one drink a week, and group C will mainline vodka -- let’s see which babies wind up brain damaged!”

Also, as someone pointed out on the Takeout the other day — it’s not as if she then pocketed the remaining 400 bucks. There were invariably a number of other people that also would have gotten a tipout from that pool of cash so Ocasio-Cortez likely only got around $50 herself.

Hah, I actually met one of the girls from Aloha State (Lauren?). She was in our office (I’m in Tokyo) looking for a job, sort of an informational interview type situation, I guess she must have known someone in my office? Something like that. I was talking to her for a bit as a fellow gaijin, what’s it like working

Japanese variety shows are legit about 70% food porn

If you haven’t seen the #seccondcivilwarletters hashtag on twitter yet, it is LIFE