
Have you ever had wasabi sushi? You typically find it in cheaper izakaya, usually as a Russian roulette-style “batsu game” or just the good old-fashioned “eat it, I dare you” when everybody’s good and drunk.

A plus! You can’t not post that on an article like this

Raw salmon is... really super common actually. Nigiri or sashimi. It’s really good and I’ve never heard of someone getting sick off it.

Yeah, I can only echo others and say that would be an epically shitty thing to do. It’s great that you want to break the news face to face... but the reason people consider text breakups to be cowardly at best is because it allows the person doing the dumping to simply drop the news without having to deal with the

Yeah I think for me, I never go in assuming anything about who’s going to pay on a first date. I always offer to split the check — if the guy insists on paying, that’s cool (and in my experience they often do) but if we end up going Dutch it doesn’t affect my opinion of him.

Haha, see I *like* having milk in my cereal, when I’m eating the cereal. I just think the vaguely cereal-flavored milk left over in the bowl afterwards is disgusting.

Cereal milk. I will never understand people who drink the milk out of the bottom of the cereal bowl, that is disgusting and gross. Same with dipping cookies in milk — I enjoy that on the cookie, but I sure as hell am not drinking the milk after.

Lima beans taste like dentist gloves.

Is anybody else seeing how, in the clip around 9 / 10 seconds he looks oddly like a slightly older Adam Driver?

Haha, I feel your pain. My roommate and I go there maybe 3 times a year, sort of as a fun outing/chance to buy some products that are way too expensive anywhere else.

Hah, that was exactly my thought!

Actually, he has a line “Hey Sam, look how big my mouth is!”

I feel like the “and drugs” part of that is really skewing the results. If it was just alcohol and cigarettes, the list would look a whole lot different.

Clearly he’s meant to be the HEA of the movie since he’s the only person I actually recognize

Also “bourne”

So, wondering if there’s *anyone* out there whose bracket wasn’t completely shot to hell by all the upsets this year?

I love Penzey’s so much!

You talk about valuing innocent life, so can I ask what your position is on things like welfare, food assistance, healthcare, housing assistance, etc?

A recommendation for if anyone is visiting Japan and looking for a good day or several-days experience.