
“So... in this situation, you’re seeing them in my world. They’re in my world, so it’s interesting to have them enter our space, which is not something that happens all of the time. I think it’s important for us to give the flavor of Wakanda. And they’re really adjusting to our space, so that will be part of the

Spoiler alert:

Also... maybe I’ve watched too much Criminal Minds but wouldn’t the “profile” of most school shooters be similar to workplace shooters, in that they’re specifically targeting a particular place?

Right? Or like, what if it’s someone with really irregular periods? Say I haven’t had a period in three months (12 weeks) cause my cycle’s just fucked up like that, and I find out that I’m 3 weeks pregnant — so I only have another three weeks where I’m allowed to get an abortion, despite the fact that the fetus would

The Suntory one is really good (also comes in a “strong” 9% alcohol version) but I’m not a fan of the Tory’s one, it’s got a bit of a lemony-iced tea kind of aftertaste that I’m not a fan of.

Yeah, but it wasn’t Coca-Cola (TM)

I would call the top one a Thai or Vietnamese-style spring roll.

Yeah it seems like this would make it really hard for the restaurant to keep track of who’s using the app and who potentially left their table without paying. Can’t imagine what the upside is for them.

Don’t forget “inner goddess.”

If it’s just shellfish, you might be okay. There is dashi, bonito flakes, and fish sauce in almost EVERYTHING — so if you’re trying to avoid any and all seafood it will be tricky.

Even better— lots of the combini have half-and-half ones of the egg and tuna salad! I grab one of those for breakfast a lot

Truth. I mean, if they just went “Hey, we’re also going to be releasing some bottles with this new Jane Walker logo and also we are donating to charity” I would probably be like — Nifty, go for it.

I saw that picture at first and thought he was Tahmoh Penikett.

Definitely this. Not all trans people necessarily want to introduce themselves as such, in which case you’re more in a situation of “Hey mom, meet my Jewish girlfriend.”

It’s true! Chinese usually gets all the flack for being a pitch-heavy language, but a lot of people don’t realize that it’s almost equally as important in Japanese, if more subtle.

Yeah I agree that can be kind of jarring. I think when it’s done well, it tends to more along the lines of “I want to touch you so bad / Can I touch you?” Which usually feels more natural, doesn’t take away from the flow of a scene, and can be pretty hot.

I think it’s hard to judge just from the excerpts here, since you’re not seeing it in context of the scene and of the overall tone and voice of the novel.

I was just going to say that too. I find myself reading a lot of fanfic lately and you see a huge amount of both explicit/enthusiastic consent and also noncon/dubcon.

I’m the same. When I got a smartphone, I opted for an Android phone mainly because I already had an iPod touch and it seemed silly to me to have both an iPod and an iPhone.

Yes, the Orphanage was one of those movies that scared the crap out of me even though I was watching at 11am on Sunday. So good!