
Haha, yeah I was watching with my roommate and she was horrendously disappointed when his eyes didn't flash black or something at the end.

Yeah I thought that, at least, was nicely done. I had been wondering how they were going to handle the trials if Sam tried to use the cure. Like, maybe just explain it away that it's been long enough, Sam's gone through enough changes (nearly died, possessed, cured...) since that he was kind of "deactivated" from the

That's funny cause one of the members of her backing band this time is a friend of mine! He didn't go to Juilliard, but he did go to music school and plays in his own rock band back home.

"It's just a car Sam."

Pretty sure at some point he said he was 13 when Dean killed his Dad, and the titles said that was in 2003. So that makes Cole 24 ish? (Admittedly, I think he looks a bit old for 24)

Demon!Dean's a feminist! Who knew?!

Yes, that! I watched that sooo many times... ;-p

Oh, that movie WAS my childhood. Never bought it but I might as well have, given the number of times I rented it at the video store.

Yeah I really enjoyed how smart Crowley was in this episode. It's always more fun when he's scheming and running circles around the boys.

They definitely seem to follow the same sort of rules internationally, but flying domestically within Japan is an entirely different matter. I've only done it a couple of times, but every time I go up to the counter, give my name, check in, get my ticket/boarding pass, go through security, and board the plane all

It's a webseries, not sure if there are plans for more or not tho.

But on the bbq plus side, you're not that far from Lexington. Honey Monk FTW!

No, they definitely had at least a bottle or two of wine up in the room. Don't remember if there was liquor per se, tho.


[Mad spoilers, obvs]

Haha, well the siblings thing definitely didn't cross my mind. But that was the one part of the preview that was just really "meh."

Now playing

I am SO. Excited. About Supernatural this season. There have always been good elements and good episodes scattered throughout, but this is the first time in a while that I've been this hyped about the season as a whole.

I can't remember specifically, so no link, but I'm pretty sure I read some interviews where Carver & crew specified that they were *not* going to resolve the Demon Dean thing right away and that it remain for at least the first half of the season.

It's confirmed that the plot of the ep is going to be fans putting on a play based on the Supernatural books, and the play is haunted so Sam and Dean investigate.