
With LOTS AND LOTS of Knave gifs, please!

It's really interesting to me that there's so much interest in these franchises lately, despite (because of?) Prometheus. Can't say too much but a few months back one of the studios was soliciting story treatments for animated series set in the A/P/AvP world and I was helping out with (well, translating) a couple

Haha, me too! My mom is utterly hopeless with hair so I learned at a very young age that I would have to figure out how to do it myself. But I've never had much practice actually doing anyone else's hair, so it feels very odd to me to be trying to braid with the hair in question actually right in front of my eyes,

Hah, I know exactly which book you're talking about! I had that one too, but it was mainly for my mom's benefit. I remember it had the page with instructions to French braid, and then on the next page was a part that said "And if you still need more help...."

Haha, she is really awesome. And her face is so interesting too — she has one of those faces that can look SO different depending on hairstyle/angle/lighting/etc. so sometimes it doesn't even look like the same person.

This!! It works so well. When I first heard about this tip it basically changed my life. #slightexaggeration #notreallytho

While there's definitely some sexism involved in what the exec's saying (re: the "keep them looking pretty" comment and the implication that female chars must show lots of emotion while male chars don't need to), I think a large part of this whole brouhaha is because he phrased what he was trying to say pretty poorly.

Seriously. I have a Blu-Ray player — it's called my laptop.

...What do they need such good eyesight for anyway????!

Ooh, and speaking of voices... Ichihara Hayato has one of the BEST voices. google image search

Is it sad to admit that this is my plan for Friday night? (the watching the episode part, not the being an identical rapist murdering twin part)

port ftw!

I find it kind of amusing that the zombie one is the ONLY book to appear in both girls and boys categories. ;-p

Seriously! I was really hoping for a modern shopping spree.


AH. Love. Man, I really miss Stabler. And can I say again how I am SO GLAD they never slept together/had any sort of romantic thing happen. For me, that was the beauty of their relationship— just completely trusting and soul-baring and (mutually) protective but emphatically not sexual.

Yes, just had to chime in to say how awesome that book was. And as horrifying as it was, I also appreciated the level of understatement. There were a lot of exploitative places that story could have gone, but refrained. And I realize that's largely a function of the POV char and his limited understanding of the world,

Is it this? Because if it were this, I might totally go! Haha.

Ugh, me too. We had to read it for 11th grade English summer reading, and I HATED that book with a fiery passion.

Is the shoebill in there? Cause if there's a category for bird that looks like it wants to murder you in your sleep, this thing is the hands-down winner.