
Seems to me that range of height is the worst for air travel. Tall enough that you're absolutely miserable, but not freakishly tall enough to get any perks out of it.

Yes, this movie is basically all of my worst fears rolled into one horrific montage.

DAMN girl, biceps!

That's so true! I'm from the South (NC) and maybe it was naive of me but growing up I had no idea that fried chicken = black people was supposed to be a "thing."

Ah, THANK YOU! Was just scrolling down in hopes that someone would have posted a bunch of Matt Bomer pics.

Haha, I was just coming to post that! I have no idea what he's saying, but somehow it all just sounds way more dramatic in Russian ;-p

Yeah I also got behind midway through and eventually just gave up on things. But I noticed they seem to finally have the 2nd season up on Netflix, so I might have to get myself caught up now.

Seriously! 25%— I wish.

And of course, the money quote:

Well, basically it is... she's a TV celebrity and while it's *possible* this wasn't staged, it is certainly a "lazy variety show"

Yeah, the guy is a professional comedian — so even if he was initially surprised/didn't actually know about it in advance, after he noticed the legs sticking out he would've continued to milk the reaction for all it was worth. (Assuming the whole thing wasn't a setup from the beginning...)

Well, for starters he's a professional comedian— so assuming that he did notice it after the initial surprise, he would've continued to milk the reaction for all it was worth. (Assuming the whole thing wasn't a setup from the beginning...)

Ugh, yes can I just say that I am going to be SO MAD if they make Olivia go through some hellish experience with that dude and then spend half the season in some horrible downward spiral/having issues trying to get over it.

I would argue that it's slightly less worse than the Harlock trailer being ruined by that awful One OK Rock ballad.

YES! Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought "Cotton...?" for a good five minutes.

Exactly, that's what makes the above situation cool— at that point it's not "revenge," it's "karma."

Yeah, I'm dying to know if this is true! Cause if so, that's an... odd... pairing. To say the least.

So true! But I think it's also partially due to the fact that Lady Edith is.. well.. "Edith" and therefore not supposed to look particularly attractive in the first place.

Ah, that reminds me of this documentary-type show I saw about a kid (I think he was in Britain?) who for whatever reason could not eat anything but chocolate. To the point that he would vomit and literally could not keep anything else down when putting even a little bit in his mouth.

Aaaah, my mother did that sometimes when I would go to get dessert. The horrible/funny thing was, that like the day before that she would say "Oh, your Dad's going to the store, why don't you ask him to pick you up some ice cream while he's there."