
It's like the whole kerfluffle over the "ぷに子" thing in Can-cam. They apparently took some photos, shopped to show girls in various sizes and then asked guys their opinion. The "ideal"/most popular one was apparently 155cm tall and 64kg (or about 141 lbs) which was deemed "plump-but-cute (but not like fat or anything,

Sort of related, sort of not, but the thing that always seems funny to me is that the ONLY time I ever get told that I have a "sexy" voice is when I am so hoarse that I can already tell I will not be able to talk the next day. It's very odd.

Also, there is the DVD. The episode that just aired was the TV series finale, but the Predacon Rising DVD will continue the story and more fully "wrap things up."

Haha, oh my god this.

Seconded and thirded! Roujin-Z is absolute BATSHIT and amazing.

The underlying issues are still problematic obviously, but I looked into this a bit more and it's not *quite* as awful as it sounds. Apparently the initial rent is based on weight, so someone weighing 60kg would pay 60,000 yen/month. They have access to exercise equipment in the shared common areas, and are weighed

Actually, I watched the AP video and that's exactly what it is — shelves in the common areas full of weird potato chip flavors and sodas! ;-p

It's "for real" in the sense that the policy exists at this one apartment building. Or rather, share house apparently.

very late growth spurt?

Same with my French and Spanish classes, only it was always really frustrating for me. I always wanted to pick some fun new name, but I have one of those names that basically exists in every Romance language so I was always just — the same.

Sharing stories is definitely key. My parents actually switched "main duties" back and forth quite a lot when I was growing up, and it wasn't until I got older until I realized how atypical that is/was.

She looks like she's just come up out of the ultimate "bend and snap"

I had the same problem as a kid! My parents still joke that there was a while there they were seriously worried I might not ever grow any hair. All the pictures of me in my toddler stage look as if I have some sort of buzz cut, but no— fuzz is really just all I had at that point.

"Due to a series of outrageous events..."

Haha, yeah I just read that and thought "dude— apparently I *am* the average American Woman!"

Ugh, that's my issue too! I use a VPN to mask my IP address and watch hulu/netflix etc. and got momentarily very excited when I realized I might be able to borrow my parents' HBO GO password to watch True Blood/GoT.

Yay thank you! I was just about to write in to request that someone with better GIF-jutsu than me, please create one for BUT I'M A GOOD VELOCIRAPTOR!!

Somewhat shameful (?) to admit but I have started shaving my arms since living in Japan. I have quite dark hair, and even living in the States I always vaguely noticed that it was quite long, but never really thought about it that much.

The incestuously small gaijin/expat world strikes again!

That's cool! It's always fun meeting other Tokyo folks through sites like this, it's a nice way to meet cool people^^