
Annnd that's kind of gross and depressing that it's a real thing. ;-p

Just curious — and, incidentally

Geh. Makes me glad I'm not a teacher. I'm in Tokyo and I have NEVER heard of this before so I figured it was another one of those made-up "wacky Japan" things.

Yeah, this was really confusing to me too... I mean you actually go on a real (non-virtual) date right? So how can it be anonymous?

This is from Scary Movie right? Just jumping in to note that, for better or for worse, this is the moment in my life when I first became aware of/self-conscious about pubic hair. It's a really vivid memory.

"company-wide morning chant and kombucha ritual!!"

Right? I mean that was really weird. Just "the butt" has to know how to dance — not, like, the girl who happens to be in possession of said butt?

Another thing that I find really interesting, and am pretty sure is a related trend, is how it's becoming more common to see celebrities in TV commercials in America.

My mom was always really weird about cursing. Saying "shut up" was considered a bad word in my house when I was a kid, and it took me forever (until well into my college years) to be comfortable saying a casual "crap" or "damn" in conversation in front of my parents.

It is super confusing! Everything else aside, her main beef is that Jezebel/Lindy is trying to "censor" comedians (BAD!).

Haha, bunnies! We use business gmail/gchat at work, and one of my coworkers regularly posts cute animal videos as his away message status. Last week it was a link to a blog filled with pictures of fluffy bunnies with various objects resting on their heads! ^_^

Don't forget the chairs that have those pull-down desk surfaces on the right side! Those killed me. Sometimes if you searched there would be like, ONE left-handed one in the whole room.

Ah, yes Ren and Stimpy. I never really liked that show much, but I was not allowed to watch it so of course I did whenever I could.

Probably cause he's writing in such a strong Scottish accent.

Off-topic, but :Her eyes are kinda freaking me out...

Anytime I see something about mitochondria, it just makes me think of Charles Wallace.

Also, Francis was super short and had a stutter.

I seem to remember one of the pop-historical books about Mary Stuart having not just a beheading, but a whole drawing-and-quartering scene while she was in France!


Yeah, I've lived in Tokyo for six years and everything is cash. (I only just bothered to get my first Japanese credit card a couple months ago.)