
I remember once I was looking at old photos with my mom, and we found one of seven-ish year old me wearing the most awesomely tacky getup — dress, leggings, shirt, all in different patterns.. Suffice to say it was truly impressive.


We can still blame him though, right? Because that movie is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life (the EYES!)

Reminds me of this poster I saw in the local fishing/sport shop when I was visiting home over Christmas.

Thank you! The way her head is sort-of-not-properly connected to her neck is really creeping me out...

Me too! I still have problems with the whole "thinking of things to say" to new people sometimes— which can often have the reverse effect where I overcompensate by just completely turning off my mental filter and say EVERYTHING. lol.

No, but it's OK now tho, they gave us an extension until "New Year's" cake!

In the same line, I'm a translator/interpreter, and this sort of thing is really common when I'm doing simultaneous interpretation. If I focus too much on the words that are coming out of my mouth, it totally knocks me out of the "zone."

My dad actually said that once recently too! I was like... "No, dad. You don't say that."

OMG the incredible awkwardness!

I was gonna say, I'm 07 and I totally don't remember any of that...

Ugh, same with me! Very small school, and I was totally not the popular "type" at all. I never had a boyfriend in HS and basically took it for granted that I never would because.... everybody else was cuter (thinner) than me. Duh!

I'd never heard about this page before the article here, so your concerns about her group attacking pages that don't really deserve it could be totally valid.

Yes, I was just thinking about that letter too! Very interesting, and sad that this still gets such side-eye from people.

I know! I used to do podcasts, and I could never ever listen to the finished ones after they were released because it was just so WEIRD listening to my voice like that. blech

Gah, the Y-Bomb. I always defuse it by jumping in with a really quick "But it was such a fun place, everybody is really chill..." etc.

Wow, finally? I haven't been keeping up with those books for a few years now, but if it's the pairing I think it is (which, clearly it has to be) then I may have to get caught up again!^^

I think there's a difference between a cultural taboo and a company policy, though. In the case of the Japanese onsen, most of them have specific signs posted that says "no tattoos," or whatever, along with the other rules of the house.

This has been going around Facebook/reddit recently:

Yes, me too. I don't care if skim milk is "basically water" — it's water with calcium and good milk stuff! I can handle lowfat milk when my local grocery is out of skim, but anything more just tastes like drinking butter.