
Seconded — I really loved so many of the stories in Fragile Things.

I have to say, one of the things I'm really enjoying about this season is getting to see Mary Margaret be badass. Somehow it's different from the "Snow" flashback scenes... Anyway, I think it's awesome.

Yeah, the scene at the very beginning with the Evil American Scientist was pretty cringe-inducing and heavy handed. When I heard they were going to be showing the film in US theaters I wondered if that part would be cut out of the film...

Recovery time aside, I also wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of contractual issue as a Miss America winner — since she's obligated to perform a certain set of duties for a certain period of time during her "reign," it really wouldn't surprise me if there were some sort of restriction related to significant

Honestly, I don't really see why everybody's so grossed out by that. Potential genetic concerns aside (which, maybe not even an issue in this world?), from what I understand the main psychological/cultural taboo about falling in love with siblings is built from childhood, when you're raised together. Which explains

Re: the smell thing, I know what you mean!

My school pride instinct leads me to immediately dismiss their feeble efforts at insult... but to be completely honest, ours were not much better.

Haha, I completely agree. I am a huge fan of leggings, but — come on, people, wear them with a long tunic/shirt!!

My thoughts exactly!

Did she just claim to be "swirling my head and my porny toes"?

If by that you mean the 2006 Korean film with flaming arrows and awkwardly blatant evil-America undertones, then hellz YES!

Yeah, the whole blaming thing is shit. Recently there was an assault incident where some American military guys from the base in Okinawa raped a young girl (14 or 15 I think) as she was walking home from her part-time job.

They do that in Japan too! Except it's always purple or electric blue. Takes the whole "blue-haired old lady" thing to a whole new level.

Exactly. I think if it were actually intended for use it would not be gold-plated, for starters, and he also would probably not have engraved "Mom" on it.

I love Craig as Bond, but Fassbender would be an awesome choice!

It is possible to recreate to a certain extent how the language was pronounced, but it's true that no one knows for sure. Especially since the written version of ancient Egyptian only contains the consonantal roots of the words, and no vowels. (The fact that most verb conjugations were expressed by changing the vowel

Seriously, we need to know the answer to this NOW

Yes! In my class it was always the one gymnast girl.

Yes, I remember when they made that rule change. It was like an official thing, I think. At least, some point during elementary, or maybe middle school, I remember being told "OK starting this year you're allowed to just hang for X seconds instead of pull-ups."

So true! That's one of my biggest pet peeves with this. I mean, a lot of the things you look for in a significant other tend to be similar to the qualities you appreciate in a friend, so it's natural there's some crossover.