
Yes. NEVER ever watch that TLC show. It's seriously traumatizing.

Yeah, I've heard that before too. All I know is, it pretty much holds up for me.

"You have the power to NOT put yourself in a situation that could lead to something unwanted. "

oops.. that was supposed to be a reply to another commenter.

The biggest problem with your argument here has nothing to do with men or women or gender issues.

I agree with SlayBelle, I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting she should have done here. You say that the men it's safe to say "no" to are the nice ones, implying... what? That since the unstable/dangerous men will react badly to being turned down, she should humor them with a chat instead? That makes no sense,

Absolutely! SVU is pretty much my go-to background TV when cleaning the apartment, folding laundry, etc. That and sometimes House Hunters International, tho that doesn't work so well sometimes because I tend to start hate-watching it and yelling at the annoyingly privileged expats whining about how the neighbors are

Ugh, the President's test. I hated that thing so much. I was always one of the last people to finish the mile run, and I loathed the part where they would bring all the girls into the PE office and weigh us all in turn, right in front of everybody. It was so stupid.

That was my question too!!

It is a really tough issue... I guess it depends mostly on the accepted definition of medical necessity. To me, my gut reaction is that medical necessity = life-threatening, which in this case wouldn't apply so much. The surgery is definitely *psychologically* necessary, though not physically life-threatening.

I know exactly what you mean (North Carolinian here), but I ended up kind of the opposite. Personally, I probably lean more conservatively in terms of fiscal issues — my cousin used to call me a "granola conservative," mostly because it would have been too painful to have a Dem in the family so he was forced to

Exactly! I have this habit of just drinking whatever happens to be in front of me without even really thinking about it, mainly because it's there. Which is good in some instances (I drink a LOT of water every day at work)... but, um, less so in alcohol-related situations.

Yeah, I love the visuals of the CM. Definitely makes me at least stop and think about buying some lipstick, until I remember that I actually have no idea how to successfully pull off the whole bright-red lip look.

Good plan! They should have some sort of guidelines to define how "open" your eyes have to be before it actually counts. Or maybe pretend you have some sort of sleep disorder that causes you to sleep with your eyes open?

Yikes... so basically you don't even get to see the guy when making this "decision" — because opening your eyes to check what the kisser looks like would constitute waking up and therefore you are obligated to marry him?

So true! Last time I flew back home for Christmas (from Japan to the States) my dad used his miles to upgrade me — business class on the international leg and first class on the hour-long domestic flight I had to transfer to.

No see, he's not being an asshole. His only failure is being overly optimistic about humanity, to the point that he (clearly mistakenly) thought he might actually be able to have a "nuanced conversation" with plebes like us.

Hands Of(f) Our Future... dare I say "H.O.O.F."?

I have my doubts about the safety of nuclear power in general as well. And Japan's handling of the Fukushima disaster — especially as regards dissemination of information — was misguided at best.

I actually never knew about those... too late I guess. I've always had a super heavy flow as well, and that's why I just always use pads— because tampons never seemed to work for me and I just figured they were all like that. With pads, at least I'm not paranoid running to the bathroom every 15 minutes to check if