
Jeggings. I REFUSE to admit that is a word (even though I like the actual item itself).

Between the normal (non-cherry, etc.) Coke and Pepsi products, DC is definitely the best!

My aunt does sort of a similar thing— not with the details, but she'll regularly walk into a restaurant to ask the waitstaff if they have Coke or Pepsi products.

Oh my god, Voyage of the Mimi! I remember watching this in my fifth grade science class.

That's really interesting. I remember reading an article a while back (pretty sure it was in the NYT) about the children of hoarders, and many of the people they interviewed talked about similar feelings/issues.

Exactly! Definitely the least delicious vegetable. And the skunky smell is way worse while it's cooking, too.

Ugh. Also... "soft limbs"?

Yeah, that was one of the biggest things I took away from reading those stories. It was very disturbing to see so many guys with no clue about what consent really means, and just going ahead with it.

So glad this post exists! I was just watching the men's judo last night before I went to bed and this guy made my jaw drop.

This rings super true for me, especially coming on the heels of something that happened to me yesterday. I was walking down the stairs into the train station, and there was a guy a few feet in front of me. He reached the landing and started to turn the corner to go down the next set of stairs, and as he came around I

*shudder* I loathe those things. I know it's supposed to be cleaner cause you don't ever actually touch any part of the toilet, but ick! They always smell way worse than any other toilets, and I always end up having to hang on to the flusher part anyway cause otherwise I'm afraid I'll fall over.

Japanese publishers refuse to release pretty much anything to e-books. The majority of them —not just publishers — seem to be stuck in head-in-the-sand mode, hoping that maybe this whole "internet" thing will still go away.

"The magazine's insistence on pretending that all teenage girls can afford $331 "Ashish maroon jackets" and enjoy sifting through the closets of their famous mother's closets is obnoxious.."

"Forthwith!" I love it <3

Exactly! That whole "has no mouth" thing kind of bugged me, especially since they *just explained* that she's a singer. So clearly, there must be some sort of mouth-like contraption.

Anybody else wanna hear more about this Cool Ranch Doritos thing? (or is that just me?)

Oh god, 日本人論. I've met so many people — including "Japan scholar" type foreigners — who take that shit way too seriously.

Yeah, the online dating situation is weird here... I've only ever used OKC, which I was surprised to find has quite a lot of users. But it's a pretty self-selecting pool — expats in general, a lot of military.

My "favorite" (hah) message from OK was "Can we pay you to let us grope you later this week?"

Ugh, I glanced through some of this book with my friends one day back in college. I don't remember much, just that we were absolutely horrified.