Does he know how many people he just made quit BMXing? It’s not inspiring, it’s just depressing to know you’ll never be that good at something XD
Does he know how many people he just made quit BMXing? It’s not inspiring, it’s just depressing to know you’ll never be that good at something XD
Yeah, I would love doing this if 60% of my job wasn’t spent waiting on people in other departments to get their shit together.
You can also watch videos too (on the mobile app anyways, dunno about the desktop version). Don’t know why you wouldn’t just Youtube for that, but there you go.
I thought it gave off appropriate “who watches the watchmen” 9/11 vibes, but maybe that’s just me.
I agree; they should have killed Bucky IMO, maybe have Tony do it. That severs Cap’s last tie to his old life (where his story seemed to be going anyways), and drives a real wedge between the two of them. But that would be almost too deep a divide, then you can’t have them team up again for Infinity War. I love these…
Afro Samurai and Samurai Jack crossover??
Yeah I know it makes no sense lol, I was just mad that they were ordering so much in a snowstorm. It’s anger logic.
Getting other orders while I’m away, ruining the chance of getting a better tip from them cuz I’m running late.
Just started a delivery job to make money on the side and my first day was in a blizzard. I got a lot of people order from the apartment complex two minutes away, and being college kids who have obviously never been in food service, they didn’t tip. I think there should be a rule that if you live that fucking close to…
I remember rocket-lunging and messing around on all the Halo 2 levels, finding the Scarab Gun, etc. Good times! How on earth are they doing all this? Seems like they would have to turn the gravity down..
First thing I saw, and the Star Wars I fell in love with, was a dark and mysterious figure entering a dimly lit building full of strange and scary aliens, facing off against a giant slug, battling a giant pig monster, saving his friends, and blowing that shit up. By the end I was scratching my head; why are there…
I agree there are a bunch of interesting ideas in 343’s Halo, I just wish they executed them a little better, i.e. without relying so much on lore to explain everything for them. I used to be a huge fan of Halo lore, now I’m realizing there’s too damn much of it to keep up with anymore.
I forgave most of Halo 4’s story missteps because I was engrossed with the Chief/Cortana relationship, and the fact that all this crazy shit was going on, but all he cared about was helping Cortana. It provided a nice contrast for the scale of the story. Now that I think about it, though, he suddenly decides stopping…
I did that for a while with the Witcher 3, and found it much more immersive, and also required a lot more thought in terms of where I had to be complete what quests, thinking logistically, etc. Definitely worth trying!
I’m literally reading Radio Free Albemuth right now. Whoa; this is a Valis level coincidence. I feel an inescapable need to quit my job and move to France to become a video game designer...
I tuned in just in time for Bob’s son Steve to take over, and the internet lost its collective shit.
Adrien Shepard Half-Life 3 confirmed!
One good thing about it is that it allows you to be inspired and interested by a huge variety of people; however, there’s a notable lack of characters who identify themselves as having ADD, and the only implied portrayals are of hyperactive boys or immature man-children (same goes with women, of course. It’s even more…
As someone who suffers daily from ADD (poor focus, memory, inability to communicate basic information in a sensible way), I'm still waiting for better pop culture role models than Adam Levine and Deadpool.
One of the most meaningful things I got from the series was from the revelation that the Reapers exist as a kind of check against the inherent chaos of organic life, as the epitomy of order. Their argument was incredibly logical, and by the end of it, I realized that what the Reapers were doing made sense; they were…