
Watched this when he first released it, put a smile on my face. He’s just a really nice dude.

Last picture, right above Walter’s head, is the sigil of the Crimson King. And all the people bowing their heads in creepy reverence? Very cool.

I’m more interested to see this knowing it’s going to be a stark deviation from the books. I read the books, I enjoy the books, I have the books. If the story is going to be presented in a different medium, take advantage of it being a different medium. Slavish recreations are so often either dull, or an arrhythmic

Hands: The final frontier of making women feel shitty about their bodies.

Is it wrong that I’m picturing her in a 60's Uhura uniform now?

100% agreed. The extended respawn is supposed to teach careful play, but all it’s doing is punishing players by denying them playtime and also punishing their teams by making 1/8 of their team spend 45 sec of the last 1:30 huffing and puffing across the map. (And God forbid you spawn a tank: the molasses of

That’s fine. All I care about is gratuitous HBO sex melting the ice zombies. Is that in the outline?

That’s why everything’s been rushed. Characters making long distances seem like nothing, less character development for some. I would love the show to be just like the books, but it’s impossible. They make it entertaining, even if they’re cutting corners. I would rather have some big reveals coming from GRRM, but

Mmmm, disagree. They made him a weapon, but he didn’t turn out how they expected. I see Benjen taking control of this situation somehow. He was made in exactly the same way, but kept his humanity. A balancing of the scales, in a fashion. (Who knows where they are headed, but that’s my best guess.)

I, uh...

That sounds like a better plot, honestly.

My point is not that he wasn’t told — my point is that even if he knows exactly what happened, he has absolutely zero reason to believe that it has anything to do with any kind of supernatural power.

There’s a lot going on in the poster that’s hard to describe if you haven’t played the game. Geralt and Ciri’s relationship centers around Ciri wrestling with the reality of being The Chosen One while Geralt has to figure out exactly how he can support her. A lot of the story is actually about a dad coming to the

The main takeaway I got from the theme of the episode was that people who TRULY needed to get spiritual guidance and/or forgiveness didn’t get it or take it seriously, and the ONE guy who seems to be just a Good Person, Arseface, is the one guy who truly is searching for salvation.

Hey, then they can continue their collection of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World actors.

Didn’t you know the septilogy is the new trilogy?

Just you wait, Power Rangers v Beetleborgs: Dawn of Morphin’ will be scheduled for 2023.

As someone that loved Power Rangers as a kid, I'm thoroughly okay with people doing whatever the hell they want with the property. It was a goofy mess of a show clearly designed to sell toys. If they make a goofy, commercialized mess of a movie that's designed to sell toys, well then it will certainly stay true to the

“You don’t get off that easy!”, clearly you don’t know me...

I feel like if everyone understood the “Not everyone can do that,” this would be an easier discussion to have.