Sardonic Rathbone

oh yeah, i’ve been meaning to check that out. heard it gets dark and weird. looks like the first season is up on their site, lucky me

well fuck, what do they even have left? Nathan, Detroiters, Another Period gone... i don’t think i give a shit about any of their remaining shows. there’s still Broad City, i guess.

the one i saw recently that actually warranted being a single take was the ride from the campaign stop to the mansion in Widows. fucking great.

Now playing

these dumdums, there’s already an ocean-themed version of Africa:

waitwaitwaitwaitwait... he put a montage of moments from his own movies in this? holy shit this sounds so dumb i can’t wait to see it

was gonna say CONTRAST DID IT but i’ve been beaten to the punch

he’s talking about records released on very well-known punk labels like Iron Lung, and you’re saying “oh yeah, i remember when i cared about some shitty record by a local garage band” like they’re the same thing

i DO get the Turnstile hate. RHCP / 311-core

i don’t think Bib put out anything new this year, just that Euro-only discography LP

wow, that Jarada record was a surprise to see here. that’s an order of magnitude or two less well-known than the rest of the list

“i remember when i cared about things beyond the surface level. anyone that still does more than that is fuckin’ stupid!”

*sips wine*

the full episode-length version on Comedy Central had a little bit of a story. plus it had amazing fake bloopers at the end where Zach breaks a toilet and then gets shot, if i remember correctly

this is generally the reaction when someone who THINKS they have a handle on the current punk scene encounters someone who ACTUALLY has engagement with the current punk scene

best feature? The Rider wasn’t even the best horse-centric indie movie of the summer!

the fuck, i thought he was doing The Knight or Nosferatu next. gotdangit

damn, this thing’s been in the works for like 4 years now, i can’t wait til they just throw it at Sundance, give it a mid-level limited release 6 months later and have everyone forget about it a month after that


that one (Unedited Footage of a Bear) is definitely better than Too Many Cooks, and The Book of Christ has like ten times the actual laughs. Live Forever as You Are Now and Lords of Synth are incredible, too. there are a lot of Infomercials that i’d pick over Too Many Cooks but i still have a soft spot for it

guess you didn’t read the article cause there’s like a whole paragraph about building the Snarf puppet. do you think the Too Many Cooks puppet is the same thing as this?