Sardonic Rathbone

Wham City are the fucking beeeeeeeeeeeessssssstttttt

then go get you one!

this man is a king among peasants

he also spent months with GG Allin making a documentary about him, and personally got John Wayne Gacy to do the cover art for it, sooooo........

forgot ‘Jon Lovitz plays a hardass trigger-happy cop’

good god, i wish i could have seen this. it adds an extra layer to the episode of How to Make it in USA where he tries to get Joe Pera a job on a Disney cruise ship

‘71 is incredible. shame this doesn’t have the same approach to relentless tension

wonder why they didn’t use Serafinowicz for the voice. huh

i dunno, i can’t imagine Unsane would have been the same without the claustrophobic, voyeuristic cell phone footage, or what Bloody Sunday would be like if it was shot on whichever early 2000s digital video turd-du-jour was popular in the month they shot it. i think sometimes it makes a big, big difference

you, at a Sebastião Salgado exhibit:

yeah, i wonder if they’ll use it for the moon stuff, although out of all the footage in the film that seems like it’ll be the most likely candidate to be the stuff they shot on IMAX.

what are you, some kind of fuckin’ casual? format absolutely matters

can’t wait for First Man. more major films shot on 16mm, please (or at least parts of them, as it seems First Man is a mix of formats, including IMAX)

he trips over ‘resistance’ too, in a similar way to his ‘United Shaches of America’ weirdness from a few months back

Now playing

i love Jesus is my Friend. another personal favorite:

he also hung out with GG Allin for a while making a documentary about him, with cover art done by John Wayne Gacy. maybe he still has some of that fucking insanity in there somewhere

luckily they seem to have gotten rid of the theater proximity requirement though, so if you’re still able to check in to the movie before you leave the house, and you aren’t more than 30 minutes away from the theater, you’re good


this is the best fucking show. i laugh til i choke at least once per episode. every line reading from Tim is like one from a blooper reel that cracks up everyone on set and they cut out, except in this show those are the takes they purposely keep