there was a movie called War Pigs about a rag tag group of soldiers going on a mission less than three years ago
there was a movie called War Pigs about a rag tag group of soldiers going on a mission less than three years ago
there’s a Toronto punk band called S.H.I.T that makes up new meanings for the letters regularly, like Skin Heads in Tuxedos or Sexual Humans in Turmoil. i’m sure they’d enjoy the Satanic Hellions one
or was it actually Simon Pegg
Disney, don’t touch our precious butts
is Disney gonna take all the butts and unbleeped ‘fuck’s away from FX?!?!?!
every “limited series” carries an “unless you really want some more?” asterisk
bring back Kelsey Grammer presents: The Sketch Show!
if you wanna give your personal motion sickness tolerance a serious trial by fire, play this on a VR headset:
i LOOOOVED the 2009 Bionic Commando but my favorite grappling hook ever might be in 007: Agent Under Fire. in single player you could only grapple certain designated grapple points but in multiplayer you could shoot it at literally any surface, to fling yourself across the room, get to a higher platform, just pull…
leaping inefficiently among New York, Brussels, and Washington
but as far as i can tell, everyone else in the group had ZERO tubes!
wookieepedia says “Members of this species wore a breathing apparatus to process the oxygen content in a planet’s atmosphere.”
may the Lord shine his light inside your day and may you be an angel forever, Conner
...nobody’s desperately keening for Scott’s proposed sequels about yet more evil Michael Fassbender robots wandering through space
worth noting it goes into effect at the start of your next billing cycle, whether that’s monthly / quarterly / yearly
i wanna see that Jin-Roh movie by Kim Jee-woon