Sardonic Rathbone

it was filmed in, and is set in, Salt Lake City but no screening here? i’m gonna have to watch it a week later, and also for free because i have a MoviePass? BUUULLLSHIIIIITTTTTT

not to mention it’s been the standard format of Corden’s show since day 1, so it’s not really noteworthy to say he hosted them in a double interview. and i don’t think there’s much ‘intensity of the format’ there

man, i don’t remember much comedy in Goodbye to Language, but i’ve only seen it once and i spent the time in a similar bewildered daze. i also didn’t see it in 3D so i probably missed out on some of the wild, prankish usage of the format

8 hours in a row of Marvel’s Defenders or whatever the fuck else: hell yeah! i know what i’m doing this Saturday!


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck slow covers of pop songs in trailers

i haven’t seen that one, but i saw Bad Samaritan over the weekend and was pleased that the premise similarities between it and Don’t Breathe were only in the first 1/3 or so of the movie, then it kinda went off on its own thing

man, i don’t remember that at all from Seven Psychopaths. it’s been a while

no Karl, no care

i’m a big non-ironic fan of Bitter Heart, myself


i liked “my jukebox can’t afford no Ray Charles, this is a white guy named Charles Ray, very good eyesight”

if any game is crying out for a current gen remaster/rerelease with all the DLC it’s this one. it would expose a lot more people to a really great and bonkers game that i think will sadly be mostly lost to the sands of time besides a handful of devotees otherwise. plus you won’t have to pay like $10 to see the real

i’ve heard that if you try to use an outdated version of the app, it doesn’t work. i can’t speak to that firsthand, though. i updated mine today before i heard about all this shit, like a sap

yeah, i’ve watched movies multiple times too. the terms of service were only updated today

wow, i’d never heard of the future ticket stuff. that is devious.

yeah, kinda sucks. i was planning on hitting up a few recent movies twice, like Isle of Dogs and You Were Never Really Here, but oh well. they’re also beta testing a thing where certain people have to send in a picture of their ticket stub via the app after they check in, too. i’m one of the ”””lucky””” guinea pigs, i

similar to the “This premium screening is not supported by MoviePass” block on certain showtimes, there’s a new one that says “You have already seen this movie” and prevents you from checking in to anything you’ve seen

i dunno if people are really getting defensive, as much as just saying that there’s not really a workable alternative, outside of setting up some kind of stunt casting Star Search that travels throughout the Parsi diaspora around the world looking for someone to headline an expensive studio feature.

so the solution is... don’t make the movie unless an actor of a high enough caliber who resembles to the subject enough AND also shares his exact heritage happens to rise through the ranks and catches the eye of the casting director as we wait for Hollywood to work its way through 100+ years of racial inequality?