Sardonic Rathbone

what notable Gujurati actor that also resembles Freddie would you have cast in the role?

hooray! this show was fucking weird! i loved it!

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yeeeeeessssssssss. when i saw it in the theater, i remember the credits sequence being super fucking loud, i was in awe. it was a shock to the senses.

read the headline as Terrence Malick, realized my mistake, got sad

just watch The Blackcoat’s Daughter if you wanna see her hailing Satan and getting down with ritualistic murder

it’s the poster for Scream and Scream Again, used as the header photo because the feature is called Stream and Stream Again

THAT’S what it was. i was trying to remember what other show did it recently all throughout the episode

unless i’m mistaken, i think that in addition to Cyra-yes, they were also pronouncing it Burger-ac which is an extra layer of great

that episode has one of my favorite post-season 10 jokes, when Buck is picking out a bolo tie to wear:

the thing is though, the article says she mentioned seeing it 800 times repeatedly, which is what sorta threw me and made me think she might actually mean it. usually if someone’s exaggerating, they’ll say “i’ve seen it a million times” or “i must have watched it about TEN THOUSAND TIMES”, whereas 800 seems kinda....

holy christ, i hope she’s exaggerating with the 800 times thing.

i was excited for Candle Cove, i’d seen pictures of the tooth child, then in the first minute or two of the first episode, they hit us with this:

around :37, looks a lot like Emma Stone. might have been a better choice

‘71 is so fucking great

keep worshipping the 40 year-old in his in-laws basement, living off that divorce money cause he’s never accomplished anything himself. HOORAY FOR MANLY MEN, YEAHHHHHH

i didn’t know Cernovich was in politics, you oatmeal-brained dipshit

the kids are gonna be delighted to be reminded of their favorite film, the 1968 classic Bullitt!

all the questions from the Stray Observations could have been avoided if NBC just showed the ACTUAL second episode second. this is some Happy Endings-level fuckery. Burning Miles (episode 3) is obviously meant to be shown before this episode, as it actually introduces the Helen character and picks up more or less