
People are apparently forgetting that even the musical had him surprised and aghast that Washington was stepping aside after two terms.

By the time I’d also added my comment naming him, at least four people already had, so what’s up.

Booth, at least, would probably strongly approve of Trump.

I’ll assume I’m going to be far from the first to place George Carlin as #1.  I’ll throw in Bill Hicks, Mike Royko, and Mark Twain.

Sure, but he doesn’t even pretend to be faux-intellectual.

I started a playthrough a few weeks ago and have now gotten stuck/lost interest in what I now realize is the exact place I always used to get stuck/lose interest as a kid.  Those fucking lizard assholes throwing rocks at me from over the fence can, once again, suck my ass.

“We need confirmation!”
(person who did it confirms they are indeed person who did it)
“We need better confirmation!”

Implies, hell.  Confirms and/or proves.

Awesome, as that’s what I also want, but I WANT IT NOW!!!!  Although I guess there’s not that much 2019 left, so if the promise there holds I think I can make it.

Cool, looking forward to it.

After my first reply I decided to hit the life expectancy table a bit harder. Warren, at 70, has a life expectancy of 16.5 years. Biden, who is about to be 77, so I’m going with that, has an expectancy of 9.9 years. Sanders, at 78, has an expectancy of 9.4 years. So it’s actually more significant than I thought, but

True, but it’s still relevant.  I agree that the actual difference in age is more significant than the expectancy part.

““I have no idea what the Republicans are thinking, but Trump is going to destroy their party. He’s absolutely going to fucking destroy their party,”

I mean, good. 

I’d put that .gif into every damn Facebook conversation from here until the end of my days, I would.

It’s relevant that Trump could sustain a LOT of brain damage before any change became apparent.

And have a life expectancy that’s longer by five years (in the white category).  The difference in age and gender between Warren and Biden/Sanders is real and significant to this discussion.

But he balances that nicely with the all-cheeseburger diet, so it’s probably a wash.

That was me, but it was for a good cause.

(buys stock in Purina and Elmer’s)

I’d long wanted to see the first one and didn’t know it was finally hitting streaming until I saw it pop up on HBO Now last night.  I really liked it, and now I see the sequel is coming soon as well!