And to supplement your story, one of the dumbest, most self-centered, and oblivious people I’ve ever met sailed through the police application and training in a major nearby city with flying colors.
And to supplement your story, one of the dumbest, most self-centered, and oblivious people I’ve ever met sailed through the police application and training in a major nearby city with flying colors.
Well done.
Someone further up said that Elektra was literally the reason that her career didn’t take off to where it should have after this, and I’ll be damned if I don’t agree. Jennifer Garner should have gone straight to the top, and yet.
I’d be extremely worried about the mind that would turn Disney characters Belle and Sebastian into a couple, to be honest.
You gotta know when to eat ‘em,
know when to beat ‘em,
know when to kill ‘em dead,
and freeze the corpse.
Yeah, though I question the “sentience” part. As it pertains to Jason Whitlock, I’m not convinced. The rest of that description was fantastic, anyway.
Tomato, I have to say I’m genuinely interested if you’ll manage to catch on here.
Does it have Bowling? We used to play the bowling sub-game for the GC version like crazy way back when. If this has bowling again I’ll slam my money right down onto the table.
I mean, you mischaracterized what he said right out of the gate with this question, so it does raise the question.
Absolutely, Tulsi Gabbard. You boycott that debate. In fact, boycott all the debates and campaign events too. That’ll show ‘em!
To Valhalla, to ride, shiny and chrome.
It’s the perfect combination of retiree whackos, Old West-style sons of the soil whackos and religious cult whackos, thrown together onto the literal surface of a frying pan.
She is absolutely also complaining about that.
It’s almost like you’re refining your PornHub search terms well in advance just to be ready.
Drew, I think that instead of moving the receiving team back a bit on the onside, as you suggest, we should instead move them forward and eliminate the need for the ball to touch the ground before the kicking team can regain possession. Put the receiving team five yards away and let the kicker fucking drill the ball…
Sounds like you may have dodged a bullet there!
Splinter was murdered.
Out of curiosity, why’d you get kicked out?