I like that you spelled it wrong when you said it.
I like that you spelled it wrong when you said it.
It’s hard to imagine how you could possibly have said anything dumber than that. You can read about the context right in this very article - did you skip it? Yikes.
Yeah, that’s fantastic, and I’m stealing it right the fuck now.
Although in Death in the Family, Joker became the Ambassador from Iran.
This is scary accurate (and, at the moment I wrote it, had exactly 45 stars)
What a fantastically stupid thing to say, and believe, and register an account for.
A good start!
Don’t I fucking know it.
Not sure why you’re replying to me, though.
Plus, then you’re all freshened up when you go inside to get a couple of those delicious taquitos.
The other thing is, he’s such a constant liar that his claim that he is a germophobe is perhaps the best evidence we could possibly have that he actually isn’t.
A while back I said that this would all end with the folk tale “So, what do you think the punishment should be for a person like that?” ending, and it’s kind of astonishing to me how close he’s getting to that already.
And how could we tell?
No, that’s genuine.
I think the problem with people like he, and Romney before him, is that they still literally cannot see the staff working these meals.
I mean, that’s literally the reason for the existence of whistleblower laws in the first place!
As long as they’re also in the bus, let’s hope.
“Because apologizing where there is not wrong is selling out your beliefs.”
“It kinda sets a precedent that people have to start apologizing for things that don’t need it.”
People apologize when they feel bad about something they did. That precedent wasn’t set by this article, for fuck’s sake.
Oh, okay.