
That’s good and all and you make some fine points. But my concern would be public perception of the entire steam workshop system in the interim between when the market floods with crappy cash-ins and whenever it eventually corrects itself, which would likely only happen if the workshop system survives the backlash.

Im really trying to see both sides here. And honestly, it’s really hard to say either side is clearly in the wrong or clearly in the right. I wouldn’t want to see the workshop flooded with poorly made and overpriced mods, but at the same time I would love to see some modders compensated for some high quality mods, and

This is precisely why I dislike digital distribution. I don't ACTUALLY own what I paid for. If I do pay for a digitally distributed game, it means I don't think the game is worth enough to care if I actually own it or not.

“That’s why i don’t agree with gay pride parades, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal to begin with, they put themselves as an unicorn and of fucking course media looks at them like that and are reflected just like that no matter where you turn.”

Gay pride parades traditionally played up ridiculous stereotypes

I don’t really understand why it matters how powerful the Wii U is. Consoles are always going to be underpowered compared to the most potentially powerful PC you can buy. No one has ever purchased a console just because it was powerful, they purchase consoles because of power per dollar. I mean, you could drop 2 grand

While I think that console exclusivity is annoying, pointless, and basically of artificial these days. I can't help but feel oddly disappointed that there are not a lot of exclusives on either XB1 or PS4 that might help me feel justified in purchasing either one instead of just expanding my PC games collection a

Will the New 3DS's C-stick be recognized as a Circle Pad Pro in games that made use of that, like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Kid Icarus Uprising ?

While I would agree that there is that sort of difference, my point is that I don't believe that politics was ever NOT the main driving issue here.

I might also point out that libertarianism is not quite the same thing as liberalism.

But as far as I understand it, Adam Baldwin was the one who created the hashtag in the first place, thus starting the ball rolling on it becoming a sort of movement. So as I see it, #gamergate has had politics as part of what ever it is from its very inception.

I think it's a little presumptuous to claim that most gamers are liberal leaning.

Also, from my perception, the debate over the politics of the gaming press was always a part of this. It was certainly a part of the rallying cry that people like the InternetAristocrat were making when the rumors about Zoe Quinn's

I might add that if one wants to discuss ethics in games journalism, they would be better off not using anything like a label for anyone to highjack in the process. Many #Gamergate I have run into claim that critics have made an identity out of it and thus made it about attacking that identity. But by the very nature

You know what ? They isn't actually such a thing as an objective opinion when it comes to the quality of a video game.

Also, reviews don't really need explicit disclaimers that they are opinion pieces, heck even something that is an opinion piece and not a review doesn't need to that either. With some basic reading

Maybe when you learn that it's not really a breach of journalistic integrity to express political opinions in editorial context, then you'll stop looking so silly.

Learning how to do something is not really the same thing as being given motivation to do it. Learning how to do something will not necessarily create that motivation either.

I might add that part of the thing that can makes Hatred so off putting is that unlike games like GTA where you can kill innocent civilians, in Hatred, killing non-aggressive innocent bystanders is pretty much the only goal of the game (apparently), and apparently not optional. Killing innocent bystanders in GTA

Will a 3DS game designed for use with the Circle Pad Pro recognize the c-stick as a CPP ? Have you tried that yet ?

Looks a lot like the list of best games for the XB1.

But MH4G is just a better deal. It's a bigger game and most likely has the same price tag as MH4. If Capcom had planned to release an expanded version of MH4 from the beginning, I would have just waited to buy the expanded version and not waste money on MH4. So I'm perfectly happy to wait for what is essentially the

Perhaps the future will look like the movie industry in the 90s and Hollywood's relationship to the independent film industry. Big directors getting their start in the indie scene, which the big studios treated like a "test market" for unproven directors and actors. Perhaps in the future, the indie games scene is