
This is a tiny, tiny step (I know, it is nothing in the scheme of things, but someone in the GOP thought this was too far - take a small victory in that).

Sharon has NEVER been a nice person. There were stories told about her in the 90's about how awful she was to bands at Ozzfest. I'm 100% not surprised and happy she's getting it as hard as she has given it. Racist dusty bish.

I’m about that old and I’m no spring chicken. My feet hurt all the time, it seems like I find a new wrinkle every day now, I get injuries when I sleep, I know my way around town by way of landmarks that don’t exist anymore, I leave my turn signal on for more than an hour at least once a month, and I can’t keep up with

The gay agenda right there and it's fucking glorious. 

Hasn’t history shown us the screwing around with the Homecoming Queen competition always ends badly?

Michelle is way better than I am. I will wash my hands of certain relatives with the quickness. I don’t have time to put up with nonsense, and in Meghan’s and Harry’s case put up with racist bullshit. Meghan and Harry have done the right thing and prioritized their marriage, mental health, child(ren) and happiness.

An article from Esquire about the same letter says that Whitehouse is also addressing the matter of who paid off all of his debts, although it doesn’t call out specifics. Which would make sense, though, as Whitehouse has been the one talking about this obvious payoff by parties unknown since Kavanaugh’s ridiculous

Exactly. If high school was the best time in your life, you’re doing adulthood wrong.

It’s the job they apply for when they can’t get a cop job.

“All I’m saying is that if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life - remind me to kill myself.” — Randy Floyd, Dazed and Confused

a high school calendar from 30+ years prior. Who KEEPS something like that?

I was contact once by the FBI. I was surprised, and even more surprised to hear they wanted to interview me about a former roommate I’d had about 3 years earlier. I hadn’t had contact with him in any of that time, either. But I guess I was on some form somewhere as having lived with him and so here I was in a Peet’s

The poetic (hopefully) justice that Merrick Garland is now ultimately in charge of investigating him.

I have to disagree, Forever First Lady. All that matters are the people who demonstrate love and support for you. When those connected by blood demean you or fail to support or defend you, when they treat you demonstrably worse than they treat others or work to dim your shine, you move on before they start on your

White Hot Ranch sounds like the title of a mid-00s gay porno featuring twinks pretending to be cowboys.  

*beats head repeatedly off desk, causing the cat to question the logic of keeping me alive*

Got me dead on the nose.

As a group, correctional officers are bigger assholes than cops. For us on the outside, it’s to our benefit that they are in prison.

I’m sure several of the things I haven’t tried from the first list are probably tasty, but I just can’t be arsed. And “bone broth” will never not make me roll my eyes at the pretentious twat who thinks they’ve re-invented stock; I didn’t choose it for that reason alone.