
Go over to the daily wire. I'm sure there are some more dr. Seuss articles you haven't read yet.

Seriously! They would rather suspend the entire cast/crew than have one white woman self-examine her speech/actions!!

Chinese people, like many other people around the world, believe that being left-handed is “wrong”. When my mother discovered that I am left-handed, she tried to correct my flaw by tying my left hand behind my back to force me to write and draw with my right hand. It didn’t work, but it taught me that there is

abandoning her dog in a field because it was “annoying” then fishing for sympathy,

You love someone who abandoned their dog in a field because it was annoying?

he looks like tucker carlson fucked a potato he was related to.

I thought the Queen wasn’t going to get any more dogs, due to her age and not wanting to leave them behind.

Yeah, at this point they couldn’t pay me to listen to the clip.  I’ll happily read the excerpts and not have to hear his motherfucking voice again.

They just want to get in her pants.

Jesus. I too had the misfortune of being raised by abusive and cruel parents and when I read what you wrote, I thought that the traumatic events in people’s lives, like the stuff with your father, always seem to live on in vivid color and detail, and when the door is open just a crack, those memories rush right on in.

The racist teachers that I used to work with in high-poverty schools (like the whole school got free lunch) used to like to justify their shitty treatment of kids by saying that the kids needed to learn that “life was hard.” these were children living in poverty who could not read or add. The only thing we didn’t

I wish the story didn’t involve the bear dying.

Sites like this need to do a search and replace of the term “pro-life” and change it to “anti-freedom” on their entire site. It needs to be called what it really is, not to protect the life of an unborn child, but to control and deny freedoms of women and poor people.

Looking back,I have enjoyed a few of the movies but can't recall reading any of them prior to the birth of my children. They weren't assigned reading back in the 80s at least where I went to school and I was way into Encyclopedia Brown back then anyway.  

What the.....

As someone who spent half my life trying to reconcile with the historic shittiness of my own father, I’d like to say to everyone dealing with the same: Fuck ‘em.

Drag ‘em. Burn ‘em. Don’t give them a goddamn inch because they will take several miles. Don’t hem and haw, don’t try and rationalize or make excuses for

If Your Ex Is Jeff Bezos, the Best Revenge Is Being a Better Person Than He Is

Perhaps it’s also time to get rid of terms like “low/no-skill workforce”? This reeks of classism and is a gross way that people look down on the delivery people that they rely on. No one is a “no-skill” worker.  


“the best flex is to simply try to be a kinder, more moral person than he is.”