Has there ever been a slimier little slug than Lindsey Graham?
Has there ever been a slimier little slug than Lindsey Graham?
This might not apply to everybody. But I had a few dreams where I had to pee in real life, so in a dream I would go and pee in the imaginary toilet, sometimes several times in a row since it just wouldn’t satisfy no matter how many times I tried. This has never resulted in me peeing the bed. I would just wake up…
You’re a racist piece of shit.
Why are they so bad at this? Because they don’t have to be good when acquittal has already been determined. The less that they speak, the sooner they can get to the vote.
It’s one thing to keep a box under your sink, just in case. It’s quite another to showcase a variety of menstrual products all over your bathroom. The first seems considerate; the other, desperate.
Do they not know that they sound like degenerate pedophiles, or do they just not care?
That title: Hell doesn’t exist and it’s that kind of mentality that makes these predators immune to real consequences.
Christians aren’t actually followers of Jesus, but of Paul. It’s his theology that Evangelical Christianity, particularly apologetics, stems from. Paul was an elite that coopted a burgeoning new separatist religion in order to manipulate a previously tough-to-control ethnic group into a version of pacifist submission,…
WTF? I mean, I know the cruelty is the point with these people but when you’re trying to legalize scrutinizing a child’s genitals, you need to sort out your life and never be in a position of power. Ever.
They wouldn’t really be a friend anyway, after that.
Yup...nothing says "voice of God" like owning two day spas in a suburban strip mall.
He might as well say “vote your spine”, because they’ve got none of those, either.
Apparently McConnell has told them to “vote their conscience” which isn’t nearly as reassuring as it would be if more of them had consciences.
I generally can’t drum up significant sympathy for royals and their tabloid dramas. However, I can imagine the hot iron of betrayal that must be running through Meghan’s soul with regard to this business with her father and I feel so so bad for her. There is a particularly hot ring in hell for parents who attempt to…
Where the heck are “Hyena Laughter”, “Bros Bros Bros”, “Deep Negging”, and “So. Much. Vomit.”?
What a shitty response to a valid question. There are consequences for breaking the rules of sensible behavior, and I don’t see why one should be unquestioningly sympathetic of someone who knowingly brought a misfortune upon themselves.
But I think there’s a far greater danger in being swayed by the idea that people invite their own misfortune.
The “scolds” are suffering because irresponsible people are exacerbating the situation, which is leading to a longer epidemic and more deaths. This is literally life and death. It’s not scolding people for cutting the line, or talking in a movie theater. The risk/reward factor here does not compute. Someone’s “need”…
I wouldn’t say “I told you so”, but I would also keep my response honest and just keep it at “I hope you get well soon.”
TL:DR - you can’t be mad at your friend because Brandy also likes to go out and do the things your friend is doing.