
Half a dozen companies have already come out to say that they will NOT censor players speaking out in support of Hong Kong. That is the correct response. 

Or - hear me out here - you restore the censored stuff in the NA version and release that globally? I mean, there’s already mods that do it with the Wii U. Fans created the most completed and uncensored version of the game years ago, you’re telling me Nintendo can’t? 

Much like because Breaking Bad shows murder

Yeah, in the EU it’s illegal to not offer refunds within a 14-day period for digital goods, and yet companies straight up don’t give a shit. 

Oh come on now, as stupid as the whole controversy is, calling it “digital murder” is straight up laughable. 

Oh no, not a plot hole in my waifu mobile game!!!


I don’t know if this is normal, but my suspended Xbox One is loud as fuck - might as well be on, the fans are definitely running. It’s not because it’s dirty either, I cleaned it when I first bought it a few months ago (since it was used). On the other hand, my PS4s and Switch are super quiet and I have no reason not

There was the 13-year-old Fortnite streamer Ewok.

Man, imagine being so bothered by a drawing that you consider a costume someone drew “existentially distressful”. Yikes. 

“Changing a game for everyone around the world in a significant way in order to pander to the bitching of a vocal minority” is good enough reason. You think you’re in the right on this one, but imagine if you’re on the other side. Imagine if, say, the next Persona game or Witcher 4 or whatever other big RPG you really

I’m glad Japanese players will finally get to experience the game as I did.

This is the important stuff. The hot take in this comment section is “fucking incels bitching about anime panties”, but the fact of the matter is that story changes were made to pander to the West. Plus aging up characters is just stupid. Imagine if Persona made all its characters college-aged instead of 15-18 year

They’re 16 to 18. They’re not “children”.

They’re 16 to 18. They’re not “children”.

All the comments from people who haven’t watched a single PewDiePie video but think they’re experts because they read a few biased articles are hilarious. His videos aren’t based on edgy/racist/Nazi humor. He’s done this kind of joke just a handful of times, and the media has never failed to report on it, even when

It’s why there should be laws to regulate capitalism, because it sure as shit won’t regulate itself. 

Sony clearly doesn’t give a fuck about selling PS3s OR their games anymore. The PS5 is on the horizon. PS3 console sale has been discontinued globally sinde 2016, game manufacturing ended even earlier than that. On PSN you barely (if ever) see PS3 games on sale, and they haven’t been part of PS+ for almost a year now.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Just don’t let her buy loot boxes (but of course if you’re a responsible parent then you already haven’t). 

What subreddits do you go to, KotakuInAction? Most of the big ones like Games have the exact opposite views on politics in gaming.