
Oh no, he flirted with people on Twitter 3 years ago, lock him up and throw away the key! Doesn’t matter he’s apologized and corrected his behavior (and was also punished with the loss of his job), once you fuck up, however slightly, you’re now an outcast and not allowed to do anything, even be passionate about

This is fairly standard in journalism, since you don’t own anything you write for an outlet - the outlet does. Former IGN writer Alanah Pearce said that if she wants to quote an article she wrote for IGN she’s not legally allowed to say “I wrote this at IGN”, she has to say “IGN wrote”. Just how these outlets do

That... Is what the game is about, yes? It’s like asking whether the new DLC maps of a Call of Duty game will involve people shooting at each other. 

Not nearly enough to put a dent in the 8 million number. The number of people experiencing serious issues (that go beyond the usual open world jank) is low enough and artificially inflated online like almost every “controversy”, and the amount of people out of those who would actually go through the trouble of getting

Got a source on that one?

It 100% will. Rowling owns Harry Potter. No logical reason to assume she’s not getting a portion of it even if she was also paid for the license. 

Assume that the consoles are going to be $700 each (I promise they won’t be more than that) and set aside that much for the PS5 in the following months. If it’s less, then use the extra money for games or just put them towards savings. 

If someone is as obviously incompetent as you describe it wouldn’t take 5 years to fire them.

How dare they cast sexual predators before any allegations against them were even made? Activision should’ve pulled out the crystal ball and only cast actors who would at no point be accused of any kind of misconduct, even years after they were included in the game!

Hopefully one day you’ll grow up a bit and realize female sexuality is not something to be feared. :)

So in your ideal game Abby, who spent 4 years suffering from immense PTSD caused by one dude killing almost everyone she ever knew and dooming the world in the process, then essentially turned her body into a killing machine for the sole reason of taking revenge, should meet Joel and be like “Y’know what, you saved my

Whenever someone talks about comics being a “male power fantasy” I can’t help but feel like they haven’t even come near a comic book in the last 50ish years. 

It’s not included with Game Pass and it is $10.

Hopefully this comment reaches you (I seem to be eternally stuck in the grays), but the ONLY difficulty trophy in the game is for Hard Mode, which you don’t even get until you already beat the game once. You can do your first playthrough on Normal or Easy or any kind of combination without affecting trophies at all. 

Your daughter’s fault for buying a game that didn’t even have a release date at the time. 

isn’t releasing *something* usually more profitable than releasing nothing?

They absolutely do care though. Marvel Comics was a laughingstock for most of the decade, which ultimately led to Disney stepping in, changing the EiC and scrapping a bunch of titles for a completely new direction. And that’s for a company that basically makes peanuts compared to Marvel’s movie and TV divisions. If

Call up CD Projekt

I definitely feel scammed by at least 5 of them