2018 Blue Tsunami Warning


THANK YOU! That’s why I hate this fucking site. They’re just a bunch of divisive assholes!

I don’t want Hillary in 2020 nor do I want Bernie.

You basically rebutted your headline with the article, and made every single point I would have made.

You do realize that this iteration of D is politically super recent right? And that it actually hasn’t shown itself ideal for winning long term?

I were kinda wearing on me there for a minute. But goddamn man.

Never stop having the worst takes

Thank you. I know I’m not the only one thinking this right now. Stay brave.

Man, you write the BEST diner stories. This one reminds me about a diner story in Appalachia from a while back.

There you are! It’s been too long! *sob*


So the Latinos call blacks the n-word? Is that OK? Or is it only wrong when white people quote a song lyric that contains it? It gets so confusing.

Oh man, I can’t wait till he’s canned and replaced by someone even worse!

What makes this so absurd to me is that this man had managed to reach and hold this high position seemingly in spite of his drunken behavior, prescription abuse, and the hostile work environment and could have happily continued to do so until he flattered Trump too well and got this nomination. Now, what’s next for

lol “the revolution”

“everybody” lol

God help me...I enjoy this game, it’s like Kinja Trickster Columbo.

This is some pretty suboptimal English.

This is some superb trolling. If could be Philippe Reines if it weren’t for the lack of F-bombs.

I think he directed it. The sequel will obviously be based entirely on TomatoFace’s impact on this site, as it should be. It will feature a few in-depth cases of people that he trolled the living shit out of and detail their subsequent psychiatric treatment. He generally moves at his own pace, though, so I don’t know