2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

As someone who is more of a progressive, I think you and I will have to agree to disagree about which wing of the party is more annoying! But other than that, I now get what you’re trying to say.

L. O. L. Splinter’s actual articles, let alone its fucking comment section, is about as nuanced as Mein Kampf.

Gotta get clicks, hombre. So, they write the most inflammatory shit you can and let us click on it.

You either have a really refined or a really unrefined sense of irony.

I hadn’t thought about it before but you’re absolutely correct! Before Michelle Obama no woman had ever worn a hat!

Not calling the author’s bluff, but has anyone here successfully checked or frozen their sub-18 year old kids’ credit? I’d love to get a headstart on locking my kids credit down before they become statistics.

Has he been a worse president than GWB? The answer, in case you were wondering or confused by the question, is “no.”

Or.... the other way to look at it is that virtually everyone is at fault in some way for this outcome. Let’s be real here, the 2017 election wasn’t the result of a single cataclysmic failure, it was a series of them.

Oh I do. I work with a burnt berniebro. He had the most to lose from a DJT pResident Evil presidency. And I don’t think he will realize how much he’s lost until he realizes how much damage has been done and what will happen to him once the more obvious targets are eliminated. When he begs for help, I may just say in

Sick an tired of the black community being scapecoated for Trump winning. Take that hate to the Bernie people that aren’t even democrats and stayed home on election day. Full stop.

This isn’t any other issue than people going out to vote. Half of the eligible voters in this country do not bother, and that is in a GOOD year. Those are the people I am talking about. Period. Full stop.

Forget the Republicans; these fuckers should be “the first ones up against the wall come the revolution”!

Because whining, self-entitled gits in NC, PA and WI sat home on Nov 8, crying about how unfair politics is while clutching their BernieBro merchandise; or worse still, voted Libertarian out of spite to denote their idealogical purity. And so, the Republicans kept three senate seats that were there for the taking…

Then why Trump always crying about not getting the rest of his appointments through?