2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

CHECK YOURSELF. Obama earned that Nobel Peace Prize.

JFC I’m done. DONE. What the hell?

Maybe you should be focusing on who is tryna slander her with fake news instead a making a not funny joke.

This is the battle that Hillary has had to fight her entire storied career: nobody has ever believed in her.

Speak for your own damn self.

That look like a nuance opinion. Can you elaborate? Hillary 2020 seem like a slam dunk.

Thank you! These people think they getting they student loans canceled. Solid nope on that one kiddos. I paid to go to Harvard even though I got scholarships and grants. I worked my ass of to pay that bill. Now it your turn.

My God can y’all I am going to lose my damn mind.

Horsies be dumb af. Trust me.

Ok I just finished reading it. You make some good points.

Europe has garbage-tier hash. Bubble hash out of Denver is much, much better than the, again, the garbage-tier hash that Europeans are scammed into buying from sketchy, dirty Moroccans. Not only that, but bubble hash is made without butane, so even when comparing to pure Moroccan hash [which all Europeans claim to

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Thank you finally someone gets it. Bernie is not the future at all. Even if he wasn’t damn near 85 years old he wouldn’t be the future. Even if he was half his age he wouldn’t be the future. I like some of his ideas but the man is a god damned nutcase when it comes to promises he simply can’t keep. That’s why he goes

I am trying to remain calm but I swear to God y’all are making it impossible.

Sure it did.

So this what everyone here wants huh? Just f*ck everyone who made this party what it is today? Lemme get real for a minute... Bernie Come Latelies are owed NOTHING. This is our party and we would have won if it wasn’t for your god damned entitlement and sexism. You are welcome to join but if I hear one more thing

You Bernie peeps were never in the party and you made that clear when you staid home instead of voting for Hillary like Bernie told you to. He literally endorsed her and said you should vote for her but you stayed home and got drunk and smoked hash all day because instead of vote for a woman you “wanted to watch the

You callin my gramma a liar?

Thank f*ck. Over this whole messiah complex with John McCain. So he crashed a plane and got taken hostage. To me that called f a i l u r e. And Meg got a huge noggin. Over them. Next.

Everybody is doing the champagne gif files tho.