2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

I know it a joke but please stop posting pictures of Melania in that hat. She stole that idea from Michelle.

Thank you. I know I’m not the only one thinking this right now. Stay brave.

Actually I am on your side about Cosby and damn near everything else. It just seems a little CONVENIENT to celebrate this hard when Bill Cosby gets tossed in the pen but stay 100% silent at best when it comes to Woody Allen. Some of y’all actually defend that man. Why.

We on the same side.

All lives don’t matter, Trumpet. What the hell? What are you trying to do.

Oh yeah Family Traditions diner. I been there it’s really good.

I’m sure you say the same about Woody Allen and Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein and Louis CK and all the rest right?

Finally? So a hundred white guys Woody Allen and Roman Polanski doing the same and worse but now we clapping because big bad Bill Cosby is gonna die in jail? That’s really what we wanna celebrate? How about we end ALL injustice, not just when it has a easy-to-convict face on it.

What in God’s hell is Appalachia?

He look like a fighter. That’s good, we need a fighter.

100% legit don’t care that Google and Facebook and Youtube and Twitter banned them. They offensive as shit. Now Kanye needs to be banned just the same. Done with all this. Stops now.

You know how I know this wrong? Because it sounds real.

Hamilton Nolan is how I learn economics and business issues. You wrong.

Oh yeah that was me.

Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades: Abstinence is a myth.

“My name is Wilbur”

Doubt it. My baes don’t snitch.

Oh damn I seriously was hoping that not what you meant. Should have figured though because of what happened in Charlottesville.

Its ok when Hispanics say it.

I love teachers but teachers got nothing on Meek Mill.