2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

I don’t know what COINTELPRO is but I do know that if they still singing the Pledge of Alllegiance they should also have classes about how America is the world’s country so that they know that really you just pledging allegiance to the world.

What N word exactly are you tryin to tiptoe around here now?

Me too. In many ways today’s black artists teach a lot more to kids then even there teachers do.

Nah. Only partially true. Royals wore what they wore and some Britishes copied it to pretend they were royals too but that’s the extent of it. Music and Arts has always set the fashion trends. Basically what I’m sayin is Beyonce > Royals.

Yes Go See This Movie - 2.5


Of the two types of Gawker articles my fav is def “Check out how bad this democrat is.”

Alright alright. That’s one vote for “Yes Go See This Movie.” Totals now stand at:

Tell you what not self care is the amount a rosé I’m going to be drinking this summer. Gotta get my head straight with all this nonsense.

I’m always cautiously pessimistic when it comes to sitcom actors trying there hand at directing. Maybe I’m wrong, but they seem to lack the smarts to create. I did like Krasinski in The Office though so maybe I should check it out. Not sure.

His hands legit small af. I met him once when I was doing my thing in NYC and he was out there too and I walked up to him and said something like “Hi Mr. Trump, care for a picture?” and we took a selfie which is still on my IG and has mad likes because I was like kida smirking and everybody know what I thinking which

He on drugs. They hooked him on drugs now.

Fox and Friends? More like Fox and Enemies.

I know right

You lyin.

Even worse? Back when he was chosen for the job everyone was all like “silver lining this, glass half full that” and I told you at the time that he was just so bad. Like historically bad. And I was obviously right again but none of you believed it and now the proof is here and your all “he bad, but the next guy could

Don’t put this on Obama. He didn’t even know who this guy was when he was working for him. He was just some random doctor.

Joy Reid did nothing wrong.

Interesting. How prominently is Tomatoface featured? I assume he or she is 80-85% of the doc.

Peter Thiel funded a Hulk 404plex? Oh man that sucks.