2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

I don’t know what Gawker is and haven’t been to that website. Worth a look or just stupid BS?

Ben Carson is just like Kanye West.

Ok let me just make one thing 100% perfectly crystal clear and that is that even though you voted for Hillary even the fact that you still say you “held your nose” shows that you probably said that to other people and made impressions on them like it was ok to NOT vote for her because like you just said it was really

I agree with literally every single thing you just wrote except that picking fights with the annoying progressives is a bad thing because sometimes them nobodies need to understand they just have to be quiet or at the very least not so damn loud.

Nuance caused the Holocost you fence-sitting fool.

White people love Kanye but anyone with any sort of music education knows he’s overhyped overproduced garbage for years now. I mean honestly. College Dropout was lit at the time but aged like Trump. He’s a has been slash never was and is just trying to save his career with this nonsense.

Yeah y’all said Hillary was a criminal too so excuse me if I take that with all the salt in the world.

What the hell?

So I don’t like Cuomo either on a personal level. What I’m saying is that let’s stop beating up US and start beating up THEM.


Dear Bernie Types: Stop tearing down candidates that have a legitimate shot at federal politics. Cuomo is in the 2020 discussion.

*Accused, but yeah obviously I agree.

I never said that you need to check yourself and my comments.

I see you GOP. We turning this ship around and it starts with stop falling into your traps.

Everybody capitalizes Trumpet even though you obviously know that but don’t mind me I’ll just go get my bananas. SMMFH

I’m saying that what Weinstein probably did was horrible but falling into the alt right playbook of cleaning up our bedroom when the yard is on fire is nonsense and helps Trump. We helping Trump and need to stop. Now what don’t you understand?

Yeah you don’t get it.

Don’t pretend I don’t see what your doing, Trumpet. I see you.

Yeah no kidding. Every story here is some sort of version of “Here Is This Racist Thing You Heard About, Now Here Is Why It’s Not Actually So Bad” or “Here Is This Racist Thing You Didn’t Know About, But Now You Do.”

I was clear, don’t put it on me if you don’t understand what I’m saying. I’m saying that what they did was bad, no doubt about it. Awful even. But it’s worse to lose this country to Trump so we gotta check our priorities the first which is: Win elections.