2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

Same reason that Hillary canceled the interview.

What Weinstein allegedly did was not ok. What Farrow did was not ok. Both deserve a serious time out for that. But maybe just maybe instead of focusing on accusations against people on our team we can start focusing on Trump who gets a free pass every time we talk about Weinstein. Maybe just maybe we should stop

If you did it, you did it. I don’t need a court to tell me that and neither do you.

I am and we all should be. It’s time for action. Had enough of this.

No, I am most definitely NOT saying that.

Done talking. Time for action.

This is the wrong opinion. What they did was unforgiveable and they should not be hired again because that normalizes there problematic behavior.

I didn’t read it right my bad. I thought this lady was a racist not that she called Barb Bush a racist which she most definitely was.

Nobody knows who this woman it until they read this article. Literally doesn’t matter if the article is just “This Woman Sucks” because it still spread her message and her name.

White Girls: Lululemon and a tank.

This article literally promoting a racist.

Serious af what is going on here.

Second article of the day that promotes white supremacy.

Come again? Nothing more highbrow then white supremacy? How about being educated, for one? How about realizing we all equal, for two. How about understanding that people of color built this country to what it is today and created the cities you live in and the infrastructure you use? How about a goddam THANK YOU

You ranked snakes over 8 other things. I literally can’t even.

No not just wore a hat, literally stole the hat idea from Michelle. Melania is appropriating everything Michelle did in office.

Right. I know that. But bitcoins are digital whereas credit cards and cash still take physical handling time.

I see what you’re saying but that would drastically harm our economy because it relies on speed of payments. That’s why bitcoin is popular now.

Unfortunately it literally doesn’t matter much anymore and it definately won’t matter by the time they old enough to use it. So many people are having their credit stolen these days that it’s unfortunately the new normal. Same thing with student loans.

Red Bull is easily my favorite drink but I do understand that as a corporation it has its faults. Even so don’t you ask me to stop drinking it because nope nope nope. I love my Red Bull.