2018 Blue Tsunami Warning

Swear to God half of Bernie people are now Trumpets. This is my surprised face...

Straight up bullshit.

Whatever Bert. At least tell your boy Ernie to drop by the ballot box in November and maybe he can sway you to vote your interests.

Yeah except Bernie people stayed home in bigger numbers which I said like five times now but you ignore that so you can feels good about the “people you like that stayed home.” Hypocrite.

Well you obviously voted for Trump then didn’t you? Yeah we see you.

Yeah that is definitely true. Still hate what Comey did and blame him even though he’s coming around and at least owning it.

I know all I need to know by what you said.


I know right

Your not gonna anyway! That’s the point. You just blame and throw around empty threats about not voting when it’s not like you got out the vote in the first damn place.

“Dude” - I’m not a dude and sure as hell am not your dude. Whatever get out and vote and get your friends out this time too.

That’s what I’m saying. We need solidarity so stop throwing around blame at people that literally line up to vote in all weather. We are Democrats not Johnny Come Latelies. Nothing worse than people who aren’t Democrats saying that we’re doing it wrong or throwing blame around. Join the party or GTFO the conversation.

Yeah so this straight up racist plotline. How are you gonna say that the black community failed to show up when the only reason votes fell a little is because Obama -the first black president - was on the ballot before. You can’t be serious. You are not being serious about this right now.

Wrong. Black men got out the vote for Hillary stop talking that nonsense.

Yeah so that your problem though. The black community voted for BOTH in big numbers. It’s the Bernie people that nitpick everything and then stay home. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

Daily reminder that Melania Trump stole Michelle Obama’s speech and also is stealing her style and looks.

Obama won two terms and changed the country and the world. Don’t make accusations you can’t back up.

Sick an tired of the black community being scapecoated for Trump winning. Take that hate to the Bernie people that aren’t even democrats and stayed home on election day. Full stop.

Has nothing to do with being fastidious, it’s more that he’s a trend follower now and he thinks Trumpism is a trend. College Dropout was good but everything sensee has been weak suburban sell out trash.

I grew up with Kanye but I am not feeling this anymore at all. I think we done. Breaking up with you Kanye but I still forgive you.