
In light of the recent activities by law enforcement caught on film I would like to remind our readers that when this low life sack of shit was abducted the cops took his ass to Burger King & fed him. I repeat, a man who murdered NINE PEOPLE IN A CHURCH was treated with more humanity than a 4 year old girl who took a

Dramatic reenactment of the event:

A woman went around 2 cars to run a red light, and at that instance, my life changed. The only saving grace is that one of the two cars she went around was driven by a lawyer, whose duty it was “as an officer of the Court”, to stay and provide a statement. While I was unconscious, she kept trying to tell folks that I

Yes, but let’s not immediately shit on what seems like a pretty decent idea that might actually save lives.  For once.

Would this be a good time to give them guns?

Pruitt says he’s an originalist. So do a lot of folks that hate government agency. Justice Scalia (god rest his soul) was an originalist. So is the son of former EPA head under Reagan. That would be Justice Neil Gorsuch (dork), the son of Ann Burford (god rest her soul). So let’s flip climate change enforcement on its

Jesus Christ would be rolling in his grave if...

Now playing

And now for something COMPLETELY different: