
Now all that is left to do is to quietly sign all of the 63red users for cat facts.

My sister was prescribed edibles to dull her nausea so she could eat solid food when she was going through Chemo. She was also on painkillers but only the edibles gave her back her appetite.

I had something similar with “Oxygen not included.” I ran out of dirt. I had mined and used all the dirt in the entire asteroid before I had found a sustainable food source. I had just made it past cycle 280, my longest ever. Balancing everything a survival sim throws at you can be hard.

So I’m just going to say this because I feel that it needs to be said: This man was trying to save their souls. It doesn’t matter that you may not believe in a life after death but as a Christian that is what he believed. Trying to make this man out to be a self-serving colonizer, by assigning motives to a dead man’s

Important side note: If you get your DNA tested through 23 and Me or another company like Ancestry, life insurance companies can audit or request that information and use it to either change your rates or deny you coverage if they find genetic markers for any hereditary diseases or life threatening conditions.

Am I the only one thinking, “That’s not how you use a welding torch?”

I should never be a parent because I laughed way too hard at that little kid getting traumatized.

I should never be a parent because I laughed way too hard at that little kid getting traumatized.

There is a rating system of games for a reason. Parents need to start paying attention to what they are buying for their little monsters. I go to pick up my new game at the store and every time there is some glass eyed parent with a bouncing 10 year old behind them buying the latest COD that look surprised when they

What are you doing here John?

Question: Why do gay people continue to not only apply but pay to be a student at religious colleges where they are hated and ostracized?

This is the equivalent of Trump getting into a car, turning the key and saying, “I am so proud of this car that I made.” The reality is he just was the in the driver’s seat when the car started. The credit should go to the people who put in the time and labor to make the car a reality.

Do you get the credit for a car working correctly because you turn the key or should the credit go to the people who put in the time and the labor to build it?

I’m just saying: If we are going to play the game, pick a set of rules so that I can know which game we are playing.

My brother is a history teacher in at a high school in Virginia and this story hits pretty close to what I have heard him talk about with the current political atmosphere. In high school the kids are intelligent enough to watch or read the news and form opinions but are not mature enough to realize that not everyone

What are the odds this will never get mass produced in the US based on fears about “terrorists” using it to talk without big brother being able to listen in. This kind of perfect encryption is the worst nightmare of anyone who makes a living eavesdropping on the rest of us.

I will be doing my best to make it past 100 cycles in Oxygen not Included. I can’t seem to handle balancing power and heat distribution yet. All my farms over heat and then all my little Dupes starve.

I read your statement, reread it and then thought on it and probably spent more time thinking about what you said than you did.

I have a Gluten intolerance, so no beer for me. I tried a few beers before I knew and got sick every time. My friend knows, but it doesn’t stop the insistent, “Try this.”

The problem with the kind of cross referencing you are talking about is hard to do with the limited number of data points available. Without physically going to each computer and looking at its IP address, the building that it occupies will probably be the closes you get.