
I think she, other than maybe Trump himself, is the biggest example of someone who couldn’t give two shits about the jobs she’s been assigned and is using it as an opportunity to just shovel money into her pockets. And OF COURSE the end result of this will be to blame teachers for not making due with less.

Going for the easy joke: you planning on leasing a dunk tank from SeaWorld?

Because evangelism is basically white supremacy+gospel of wealth

But the EMALS!

There’s no systemic problem with policing in the US. You can’t hold the entire profession accountable for a few bad apples.

Just a friendly reminder that the US military has stricter rules on when a soldier can and can not fire than our police.

But that’s not what this guy was saying, at all.

Jesus was absolutely a dissident. You’ve just misunderstood who his enemy was. Jesus was at war with his fellow Jews - not with Rome.

maybe people will start to listen and re-evaluate their stance about Christian ideals

No, it means he’s calling him a whore. I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic. Cool attempt to gin up controversy though.

“Never excuse for ignorance or stupidity that which should properly be classified as malice and deliberate intent.”

While I don’t at all disagree - and 100% agree this man is a hero - I want to also make sure we focus on those women serving our country who put their bodies on the line to defend us all, and yet find those same bodies sexually violated by their peers for cheap thrills. Those women, and all women, deserve better.

My dad was Colombian, and as a teenager in the 50s would barnstorm the mountain roads around the capital, with his buddies along for the ride. They would do typically adolescent car stuff on narrow and poorly built and maintained roads; I live to tell his tales despite this behavior.

“At least I tried to avoid it.”