
This needs to be part of the conversation whenever people talk about illegal aliens coming to the US. I’m sure the numbers would be a lot less if it didn’t seem like Mexican were fleeing for their very lives.

I’m no expert but a big part is giving people something else to do. There are many reasons people join gangs, power, protection, a better opportunity than trying to get a legitimate job or its they only thing they feel they will be able to do. A lot of this is also gangs telling young people “No one else will want

This guy gets it. I like this guy.

You know as a person who grew up in a Christian house, goes to church, volunteers and pays my 10% each paycheck for tithe, I feel like I should be excited abut this news. But I’m not. I am not excited, or happy or even a little bit enthusiastic about this news at all.

Can I take this time to bring up a view point that is not given enough press?

I was going to try and defend this but I reread the whole thing and decided that this county did literally everything wrong.

Ever see “Outlaw Star” the anime? One of my fav. quotes is from that show.

That sucks and I’m sorry that it happened. It’s terrible that you had to deal with that. Nobody should have to go through that alone.

Like I said, I’m not high on the spectrum so it was “easier” for me to be “normal.” As far as I know my parents only ever talked to teachers about it when it affected by grades drastically. In 4th grade I had a 10 word spelling test when the rest of the class had 20. The rest of the time I was just like any other

Growing up with Asperger one thing that I learned from my parents that worked was to ignore bullies. I know that it doesn’t always work and it may not be the answer for everyone but for me it did work. Other kids tried to make fun of what I was playing or what I was doing and I never let it bother me. One of the

This is just people in power trying to justify their screwed up world view by pushing the blame somewhere else. “I don’t say women are inferior, teh Bible does” kind of thing. They take verses out of context and spin it to mean whatever they want so they can keep on doing what they want without having to come up with

I’ll just add this to my ever growing list of things I didn’t know about myself. I was diagnosed with Asperger in middle school but my parents chose not to tell me to force me to adapt through school. I believe they made the right choice since I know I’m a slacker who would have taken any excuse to skip assignments. I

Alright so I’m going to chime in on the whole Zero Dawn thing. Was the only one that thought that there was going to be a giant freezer with people in it and that gathering all the smart people was part of a “Noah’s Ark” thing? That whole everyone is dead really threw me for a loop. Agh, such a good loop.

This shit is the top reason why 90% of my friends have no idea I go the church each Sunday. I can’t tell people about how I follow Jesus because, not that I’m ashamed of being a Christian but because I can’t stand getting hit with the same broad brush strokes as these assholes. In high school people I got along with

This is a load of shit. With a quick look at wireless service provider’s website and their billing plan I can get a iPhone 7 and 2GB of data for around $90 a month for two years.

I got two stories:

With several family members who work as public school teachers I would like to know where teachers got this horrible stigma of being somehow over paid for what they do. I have watched by family spend hours of their own and unpaid time every single day of the week prepping lessons and grading tests to make sure they

I’ve have nothing else to say that will not fan the flames on this more. We are not going to agree on this issue.

Up front I want to say that I know this will not be a popular opinion and I am trying to write this in a way that will not start a flame war. This is really hard to do I have been writing and deleting over and over again.