
yup. Our nine year old, as far as I know, hasn’t had anything to eat today but some corn chips and a banana with peanut butter, if he’s to be believed. (He was with the sitter today, and may have eaten and forgotten.) His older brother made him a cheeseburger, and had the audacity to put one leaf of kale and one

The children who refuse grill lines eventually become the adults who want their milkshake in a bag.

Between J.J. Watt, Mike Trout and Jordan Spieth, has there ever been a better time (since 1950) to be an old, white, sports fan?

Starbucks scammer, street eating scumbags, both drive thru biatches.

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.

“Faparazzi”: a star-chasing jerk off.

It would be even worse if that statement was literal and not figurative.

And that’s totally fair! I certainly don’t get new bedding every time I change partners. It’s just that on the scale of Things Rich People Do, this doesn’t seem as ludicrous to me as diamond-encrusted shoes.

this is going to be racist, isn’t it?

Can’t we just send both Goodell and Brady to the CFL and forget the whole thing?

Seriously. If you need to gain and are rich why not eat a pound of chocolates a day and drink wine? Or triple cream cheese? Or milkshakes?

Eh, everybody's got to have a hobby.

I am pro feud and wish to follow it blow by blow. Most interesting thing in tonight’s dirtbag.



Agreed, I don’t think the rep’s response is going to squash rumors. I mean saying, “Ben is super friendly and sometimes that is misconstrued,” screams bad cover up to me. Talk about the lamest excuse ever.

Should this tournament be about winning? Bleeding in new players? Evaluating which veterans will still be able to contribute in three years? All three?

Ursa Diner