
Is Vivek Ranadive Hindi for James Dolan?

It wouldn’t be the first time a guy from Kentucky is lured by Cousins.

Yeah, but that full-court press though...

Yeah. when I say “I want shrimp cocktail” I am talking about eating shrimp till I am full. Preferably in my own home. Where no one can judge me. And I don’t care if the ocean calls and says they are running out of shrimp.

He got turned on minding the gap

I hate it when people rail against positive change because it doesn’t solve all our problems at once. It’s just picking something easy to feel clever about stating the obvious about.

I believe the proper name for a group of teenage girls is a gossip.

I was in a Starbucks yesterday and a gaggle of teenage girls, (I feel like gaggle isn’t right for teenage girls. A flock? A murder? A murder.) a murder of teenage girls came in behind me. As I finished my order, the barista (who was a treasure of a human being and recommended a kick-ass fruit sauce for baked brie)

screaming that everyone in that deli was stupid, because if we hadn’t been to New York we couldn’t know the first thing about meat.

They are just a poor writer who can’t make a point succinctly - she or he could have said “I hope justice is served” and left it at that but no...they had to go the extra mile and let us know they hope the minor was abused so the brother can be punished...

That’s Milhouse Van Houten, son of Kirk and Luann.

Emma Stone.

Seriously. If you’re going to lead a double life, make sure you get along with your family.

Maybe she’d hoped to loop back around and covertly become an administrator at Howard.... but her con was thwarted mid-way.

Wait, what? She sued Howard because she thought they were favoring African American students over her, because she was white, so now she’s pretending to be African American and has risen to president of a local NAACP chapter.

If Kyrie Irving is healthy (and sure, why not, Kevin Love too), the Cavaliers offense wouldn’t be so creatively restricted. They’d be taking shots to match the Warriors, and then giving up corresponding chances on the other end.

I guess you don’t fear little boy jail when you’re already in little boy hell.

Now playing

I see your bear, and raise you a moose family playing in sprinklers!