Bananas are basically clones already. Also, the use of BIG PRODUCE as some sort of ironic joke sort of misses the actual fact that the United Fruit Company did produce a bunch of fruit clones, and mess with the governments of Central America.
Bananas are basically clones already. Also, the use of BIG PRODUCE as some sort of ironic joke sort of misses the actual fact that the United Fruit Company did produce a bunch of fruit clones, and mess with the governments of Central America.
Will the courts give him back to the future?
It’s fairly astounding. Our school bought new textbooks, and the entire point of the texts books is to have one set for the class and then one for each student to have at home. We have one set for the class. It makes it difficult to assign reading at home, which then requires lots of copies. Also, had only one copy…
As a public school teacher, I’d be extremely interested to see an audit of the schools in this city.
It’s fun to see her all dressed up and then to think of her taking a dump in the morning. You know she secretly inhales deeply, enjoying the intense aroma and flavors of her own shit.
Nah, the great writer of the bureaucratic nightmare is Kafka.
I do think it is reversible, but unfortunately there is no telling how far we have yet to go until we decide to reverse.
And yet the bastard did well for the environment. Humans are nuts.
That’s pretty crazy. It barely looks like the same person.
I had never even really contemplated the sexuality of Russell Wilson before this whole thing, especially the “celibacy” part. Now, he has me convinced he is gay, and I feel bad for the guy he has to hide it.
Comment of the week, at least.
Lester City (‘Murican spelling, the only spelling) needs to make the top four, which can then only be read as a omen in favor of a President Bernie Sanders. It is a fate, or the chicken and rice I just gulped.
That is such a weird defense mechanism to take toward sports. Approaching life, sure whatever, you have to protect yourself, but sports, literally, always has next season; its cyclical, not linear.
It’s weird from my perspective, but at the same time, the numbers of children doing things like this are vast. Those native to twitter seem to attempt this sort of following with regularity. Your kids at least know kids who are doing this.
And you still haven’t addressed one fact yet, and my point was that Shakespeare made some ridiculous geographical errors to set against your claim of de Vere, who lived in Italy. You claim to know Eliot, which somehow lets you dismiss the point? Your arguments seem like a pastiche of thought, as if a computer program…
Fair enough, but I in no way claimed he faked his death, so I’m not sure why you responded to me with that. I make it quite clear in my original post that I don’t think Marlowe was Shakespeare, but perhaps this is all a misunderstanding of two people on the same side of the division.
Yes, I agree. I was responding to something else. I’m not sure why you think I was claim that Marlowe was Shakespeare, but, well okay. And you are right in your assertion that their styles were quite different, yet Marlowe definitely influenced Shakespeare, but that doesn’t mean I think he was Shakespeare.
Hey, hey, easy there. While I love Shakespeare, Marlowe is a genius as well, and just because some modern idiots want to try and give credit to one for the other doesn’t mean we have to dislike Marlowe.
“None of us were there.” No one witnessed the dinosaurs, either.
And yet, despite you initial desire to not spend more time with me, you do exactly that. Anderson’s entire argument has as about as much behind it as a climate change deniers thoughts. Well, de Vere lived in Italy, then how do you explain Shakespeare multiple mistake of Italian geography that even Ben Jonson made fun…