
I didn't know who he was until he was on Top Gear a few weeks back. Apparently he had never driven a car until that guest appearance, so along with his music, he's been incredibly pedestrian his whole life.

It's a video of Dez Bryant flying MH370 to Kazakhstan, just like Jeff Wise said.

"And putting your bodily fluids in another person is unacceptable in literally every single context, ever, everywhere, no matter what. I didn't invent that. "

The era when Kate Upton's breasts stood for integrity and a quality product is sadly gone.

"An officer asked Geer to step out of the car. "He got out and they arrested him for drunk in public," says Stewart. "He learned he could have stayed in his car and he never would have been arrested."

"....a popular Southern California animal/theme park best known for being the only place where the guests sometimes get to watch apex predators never meant to be kept in swimming pools savagely maul the performers during shows. "

*On death bed at 78*


"That's God setting it up, to make it so dramatic, so rewarding, so special," he said, as he was untied by his father Abraham.

He's obviously not fat. Anybody with two i's can see that.

I talked to some Broncos players who said Manning was throwing more picks in practice in the past six weeks than at any other time.

"He just didn't look like 18 out there."

Depends on who you ask. If it's Madonna, you get one answer....

Jesus, that's practically like having someone kill your dog in front of you.

You just dropped your pen? Eurgh, you have no idea. I take my own pen to work, and someone stole it. That's right. I had to use a spare pen, that did not have all four colours that my own pen did. It did not have a special grippy holder bit. And when I had to count & check the drugs, I had no red pen with which to do

I totally understand how Madonna feels. I dropped my pen today and was a little sore from yesterday's workout. Picking it up involved an ordeal the likes of which nobody can truly understand (especially not men, who are scientifically proven to be shitty at empathy). I now understand what it's like to be the victim of

I agree with the cops here. There are absolutely no laws (at least that I'm aware of) that allow freedom of speech in this country. I mean, the entire reason this nation was founded was because we wanted those in authority to act without discretion or be subjected to the views of the people. I'm like 87% sure on this

I don't know the mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance required to convince oneself that how Tamir Rice died is okay, but the police should not possess it.

Seems like a nice gesture when you're taking a picture with some unemployed tourist.