
Yep. White America has been brought up to believe that there is only one form of racism: burning a cross on a black family's lawn while calling them niggers. Anything else isn't racism in their eyes.

As a white person, I can say that this result is because most white people view racist actions as nothing short of being in the KKK. They don't think the Michael Brown incident had anything to do with race because they don't view subtle discrimination ingrained over the span of a person's whole life as racism. It's

If you look closely, you can tell that someone on that Detroit bench just Piston his pants.

NBC, you had a chance to modernize this a bit so it would speak to today's youth. I see you chose the other direction. Well.... that's brave of you.

When the cops are trying to arrest you, if you fight back, things go wrong.

Reserve judgment until you hear what he has to say about the coloreds... Their muscles, glistening in the sun...
-Donald Sterling

Can't decide if I should like this guy.

Dave...Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.

I don't understand all this talk about throwing people under the bus. If you've ever seen RG3 play, you know he'd bounce them about 10 feet in front of the bus.

Smart Student: [writes essay about the true nature of the AFAM department]
Everybody: [turns in the same paper]

Finally, Powell threw in an anecdote about how a female student did all the work for one athlete, after which "we all ran a train on her."

"Whatever. I'm just here for the diploma."