I’m holding out hope that the Hyundai Santa Cruz Cruz is a true compact pickup.
I’m holding out hope that the Hyundai Santa Cruz Cruz is a true compact pickup.
Thanks. This “Elon Musk, who hasn’t fixed the Model 3 yet...” business is ugly and getting old.
Jaloponik Editors: When can we get a Technology reporter who doesn’t shit on future technology? Ryan Felton’s constant negative tone is not why I follow this stuff as a hobby.
What’s “stempunk”? Kids studying engineering with mohawks?
Gnosticism and theism are independent variables. The former deals with knowledge and the latter deals with belief. One can claim to be a gnostic theist or agnostic theist depending on how’ve confident one is in their God belief.
Why not just adjust the temperature control?
If we’re going to do festive-themed rewrites…
Everyone already knows that
Or if the trucks weren’t 12 feet tall and two lanes wide
I was saying boo-urns
As an engineer myself, i applaud the way this man yelled at the stop light.
They must have had the fish
The only correct answer to her would have been “Don’t make me choose who I want to shoot here.”
Looks like you ought to train her to snicker...
and if they say its three different cars, you have found yourself a pedant.