
This also works if you believe that Kate was “groomed” to be his wife from a very young age. Which plays into the historical vibe Kelly writes about here, how cousins were paired up when they were still children, except in this case, Kate was a commoner and her parents are decidedly nouveau riche.

Oh, thank you, I need a new book and love this stuff. 

I choose to believe it’s no accident that this letter found its way into WaPo’s hands the day before Barr is set to testify. Tomorrow is going to be delicious. 

Humanizing this wannabe model in any way will always be a no-go for me. She supported her husband’s birther bullshit and probably still does. Maybe Bolling should have asked her about her sidepiece boyfriend who works at Tiffany & Co. or about how the divorce papers were signed, and then there was a rush to

A big nope on Bernie. Not because I’m still pissed off at him, but because NOTHING has changed for him. He gives a great speech about what he says he’s going to do, but never gives us a hint as to HOW he’s going to do it. And if you ask him, you don’t get a straight answer. No thanks, Bernie. 

Let’s please oh please take a moment to enjoy one thought: A man can deny to his wife until he’s blue that he cheated, as surely Trump has denied mainly because he thinks he can get away with it, but the moment another woman accurately describes the guy’s junk, and the things he’ll say in bed, all bets are off.

Really? Did you vote for Stein or Johnson? 

Definitely no. I was intrigued by Bernie in the beginning, but the more I listened, the more I realized that he talked a good game, but he never offered actual, viable, specific solutions. Just a lot of platitudes. And nothing has changed. 

Same on all, especially the exclamation point. Sometimes I wonder if he writes this shit just to get us going, and he loves it, but no, he really is an unfeeling, narcissistic, self-involved jerk with zero sympathy or empathy. I will dance with glee the day he dies as payback. 

I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate Donald Trump. And I had an ex-mother-in-law who was a real piece of work. Trump makes her look like Mother Teresa. All is forgiven, Judith. 

Omigod please don’t spoil this movie for me because I’m really looking forward to it, but that ABC interview sounds dreadful, why just why.

I’m so sick of each day bringing yet another reason why my brain just might fucking explode. 

Omigod I need Jared to go to jail so very, very badly, if only for the shot of Ivanka crying on camera about how none of it was her fault. Because like her father, that will be her only stance on everything that happens to these grifting motherfuckers. Not my fault! they all scream as they’re led off the jail. The

The divorce is guaranteed, but let’s never forget that she’s parroted his bullshit for years. Any attempts to cast her in a favorable light — for the sake of how much she loves her son or otherwise — are also exactly that, bullshit. This is a golddigger who lied about her background and echoed her husband’s lies to

Good gosh I cannot wait to see this movie. 

Jesus, I hope so. I’m in such a funk after today. And the Woodward book won’t make it better, because those criminals are ramming Kavanaugh through, and they’re doing it in plain sight, and it will affect generations. I mourn the loss of my country, so some arrests would be really fucking sweet right about now.

We are really going to hate this week. Also, get ready to march. This is going to get so much worse. 

That person just wants to be a jerk. Her dress was ridiculous. The reverend — who I otherwise really enjoyed — also was inappropriate. The two issues can be mutually exclusive, but some people are just too dumb to realize that. 

Her pearls and Fantasia’s brooch were my favorite jewels of the day. I think my favorite hat was Fannie Taylor’s, personal secretary to Ms. Franklin. It had this amazing black and white striped ribbon on top. You know she bought it special.

I was kind of expecting Kentucky Derby on steroids and was a bit let down.