
Apologies, posted in wrong section by mistake. 

I’ve gotten really good at just automatically blocking assholes in an attempt to keep Twitter less maddening, and I admit that I don’t help the situation by being militantly anti-Trump and voicing that pretty regularly. But I have noticed that I’ve had to block a lot fewer people lately. Maybe I should test it

Also, I don’t know if I’m going to get killed for this, but good gosh I’m so sick of stories about these old-ass male stars having kids with their hot young girlfriends or wives. Mick Jagger, 73, has kid with 29-year-old ballerina. Eddie Murphy, 57, has his 10th(!) kid with 39-year-old girlfriend, which admittedly

So, so, so gross. I can imagine no scenario, then or now, when I’d be attracted to Woody Allen, but now it skeeves me out about 10,000 times more. Yuck. I hope he never makes another movie, certainly not some bullshit like the one described here. 

Watching Manhattan, a movie I admittedly once loved, is now only creepy. Mariel Hemingway’s character, Tracy (Tracy!) is 17 and in high school. High school! Woody Allen’s character, meanwhile, is 42 (he was 44 when Manhattan came out). So it’s not just that he’s a perv, he doesn’t have any new ideas. How much did

Cy Vance is also the guy who quashed an investigation into Ivanka and Junior doctoring numbers on condo sales in Manhattan — after he got a donation to his campaign from their lawyer!!! Fuck him and fuck Cuomo for enabling him. Cynthia Nixon now has my vote. Zero-tolerance policy on enabling rich assholes and allowing

It’s definitely low, but auction houses typically lowball their estimates so they don’t have egg on their face when a lot doesn’t hit an estimate that was too high. Plus it’s a headline when something exceeds its estimate.

I honestly don’t know if I can take six more years of this. His continued awfulness is beyond belief, and others both normalizing and supporting it — fucking cheering him on! — makes it so much worse. Please somebody just fucking make it stop already. 

If Beto beats Ted I will never stop laughing with glee.

Nah, she had two other sugar daddies in New York at the same time. This is common knowledge. Trump was just the chump who married her. Melania would’ve been fine.

If you’re able to equate McCain with Trump, there’s something seriously wrong with you. 

I didn’t say fat, I said big. You know, like we used to call “big-boned”? Because she is tall she was more like a 10/12; I am telling you, samples wouldn’t fit her. And because of her body structure, she couldn’t lose it naturally. Not every girl that tall is naturally that thin. Especially when they didn’t start out

And all the fat she had sucked out of her body. I did a photo shoot with her once. She was a big girl, partly because she’s tall, and samples wouldn’t fit her. We had to improvise like crazy. No way did she drop that weight naturally. Daddy surely paid for that just like he did her breasts, nose, chin and everything

Blatant hypocrisy with zero sense of irony: That’s every Trump spawn in a nutshell. But Ivanka really has been the best at it, hasn’t she? Hey, Ivanka, fuck off!

So it’s either a bunch of trolls or a bunch of idiots. Then again, aren’t they one in the same?

I’m pretty leftist, and I’m not celebrating and don’t know anyone who is. Instead I can see the man who served his country and should be respected for that. The assholes cheering for his death, however, seem to have congregated at Breitbart and Daily Caller, sites not known for drawing leftists or progressives. The

In the age of Trump, it’s doubtful. What has me astounded are all the Trumpers out there who are actually celebrating that he’s dead. I can’t even wrap my brain around how fucking sick you have to be to take that stance.

No, he’s really not. Remember that he’s the one who owns the vineyard (eyeroll), so he’s the one who pushes for the foreign visas so he can get cheap labor while his bloated father brays on about the wall. He is playing Trump Hypocrisy like a pro, and therefore is deserving of zero sympathy. 

Not even this is going to affect his base, because they’ll play the “Oh that was so long ago” card. We need gross recent secrets, more cheating against Melania, which surely happened.

He has no friends. He considered David Pecker a friend, and look what’s happened there. Trump’s only “friends” are those people he thinks can do something to help him. There really is no other criteria. I know, because years ago I worked for a company that did business with him. We saw who he was and couldn’t wait to